Science Ideas for Kids
- Kids are intrinsically curious, and curiosity is the motivating factor in scientific inquiry. The primary aim of science is to make sense of the world. Science helps people learn how things work and why. These questions preoccupy children as well. Children are always asking questions out of a desire to understand. There are four specific ways to teach kids about science: conduct science experiments at home or school; encourage children to read science books and magazines; participate in science fairs; and visit children's museums.
- Performing science experiments at home or school using ordinary objects is one of the most informative and fun ways for kids to learn about science. The possibilities are endless. There are several books and websites where you can find ideas as well as instructions. The experiments have names that kids find intriguing, such as the balloon blastoff naked egg drop. Some of these fun experiments teach kids about science in general, and others focus on specific sciences such as chemistry, biology, physics or the scientific method itself.
- Science books and magazines are a good way for children to learn about science for a number of reasons. They are age specific. Some are written for the preschooler to understand, while others have information that sixth-graders will enjoy. Books provide children with the opportunity to learn about what particularly interests them. One child may want to read about the human body, whereas another may want to know about space travel. Magazines offer other advantages. Most science magazines have interactive activities for children. Magazines keep children informed about current events in science.
- Science fairs offer children the opportunity to learn about science by doing science in an organized manner. This benefits children in three ways. First, it shows children that science is motivated by curiosity. Science answers our questions about the world. Second, it demonstrates the scientific method; forming a hypothesis, conducting an experiment, and observing the results. Third, it teaches children about research. The child learns to find information through a variety of resources such as books, magazines and websites.
- Children museums offer large and diverse resources that teach kids about science. The exhibitions and attractions allow children to see science on a large scale. Museums also provide programs and activities in which children can learn about science in an interactive setting. Some museums host science camps for kids.
Science experiements for kids
Science books and magazines
Science fairs
Children museums