How You Know If You Relationship is Worth Saving?
Let me start by asking you a blunt question.
Is your relationship worth saving? Please do not be offended by my directness, it is just that a growing number of couples are trying to save a relationship, without knowing why.
Think about it, that's like setting off on a long journey, without knowing where you are going, or why.
And anybody who has ever been on one of 'Those' journeys is all too aware of how bad the consequences can be.
Now that you know why I asked the question, let me alter it slightly and ask instead, 'WHY is your relationship worth saving?' The answer you give here, could well affect your chances of, successfully saving your relationship, or winning back your ex so it is important to be really honest with yourself.
To simply say "because I love them" will not be much help Take the time to REALLY evaluate your relationship, think of all of the good times, the fun and adventure you shared, the quiet romantic time you shared, think about what it was that led you together in the first place, what was it about them that made you fall head over heels in love with them? If you are able to get lost in thought as you go through this process, then that is a good sign, because it means that you have a lot to fight for, and that after all is what counts.
If you struggled in that last part, then you may need to try something a little different.
Instead, ask yourself 'what went wrong?' Again, it is important to be brutally honest here, if you were unfaithful, admit to it, if you can't be truthful with yourself, then what chance do you have being truthful with them? If, on the other hand, they were the unfaithful one, then ask yourself 'do I REALLY want them back?' if you answer yes, then keep on asking 'WHY do I want them back?' until you have a cast iron reason, one that makes your heart sing just thinking about it.
If you can accomplish anything with this article, let it be that you have been able to be honest with yourself, because my friend, that is where trust begins, and trust is the foundation stone on which all successful relationships are based.
Is your relationship worth saving? Please do not be offended by my directness, it is just that a growing number of couples are trying to save a relationship, without knowing why.
Think about it, that's like setting off on a long journey, without knowing where you are going, or why.
And anybody who has ever been on one of 'Those' journeys is all too aware of how bad the consequences can be.
Now that you know why I asked the question, let me alter it slightly and ask instead, 'WHY is your relationship worth saving?' The answer you give here, could well affect your chances of, successfully saving your relationship, or winning back your ex so it is important to be really honest with yourself.
To simply say "because I love them" will not be much help Take the time to REALLY evaluate your relationship, think of all of the good times, the fun and adventure you shared, the quiet romantic time you shared, think about what it was that led you together in the first place, what was it about them that made you fall head over heels in love with them? If you are able to get lost in thought as you go through this process, then that is a good sign, because it means that you have a lot to fight for, and that after all is what counts.
If you struggled in that last part, then you may need to try something a little different.
Instead, ask yourself 'what went wrong?' Again, it is important to be brutally honest here, if you were unfaithful, admit to it, if you can't be truthful with yourself, then what chance do you have being truthful with them? If, on the other hand, they were the unfaithful one, then ask yourself 'do I REALLY want them back?' if you answer yes, then keep on asking 'WHY do I want them back?' until you have a cast iron reason, one that makes your heart sing just thinking about it.
If you can accomplish anything with this article, let it be that you have been able to be honest with yourself, because my friend, that is where trust begins, and trust is the foundation stone on which all successful relationships are based.