Knowing King Mackerel Measurements
Hail to the King! King mackerels are usually found in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.
These sea creatures are considered to be migratory types or species of mackerels (Scomberomorus cavalla).
King Mackerels are very significant in terms of their contribution to economy (trade, market and in commercial fishing aspects).
As per the United States Food and Drug Administration, there are four types of fishes that have been deemed with the highest mercury content in terms of concentration and this fish is amongst the group.
For this reason, children and pregnant women are not advised to eat them.
Physical Attributes and Sizes A medium sized king mackerel weighs an average of five to thirty pounds.
In some occasions, the fish's weight could exceed more or less ninety pounds.
Scales are loosely affixed in the fish's body which and are hardly noticeable because of its small sizes.
The spiny dorsal fin is completely colorless and usually folded back into a body furrow like the pelvic fins.
The lateral line begins on the the fish shoulder, plunges hastily at the fish's midsection and then carries on as a wavy parallel line towards the tail.
These fish are measured usually in terms of their heaviness.
Big mackerels could weigh an average of nine kilograms or more or less twenty pounds.
Smaller mackerels could weigh an average of five kilos or around ten pounds.
Smaller king mackerels are normally found forty to 150 feet below the waters while the larger types of this fish are occasionally staying 600 feet under the waters.
King Mackerels' Feeding Behavior Speaking of their feeding instincts, these fish are said to be opportunistic and gluttonous or voracious eaters.
These sea creatures are carnivorous and their sizes also determine their prey or food.
They usually feast on blue runners, northern mackerels, threadfin, Cigar minnows, striped anchovies (Engraulidae), grunts (Haemulidae), weakfish (Sciaenidae), cutlassfish (Trichiuridae), jacks (Scombridae), sardine-like fish (Clupeidae) and menhaden.
These preferences in their feeding habits greatly depend on their season and area as well.
As For Human Consumption King mackerel had been officially commercialized and marketed in 2005.
These fishes are sold as steaks, fillets or could be purchased in the round (or whole).
The high fat content of the fish makes the raw flesh grayish.
These fishes are best cooked or prepared by smoking, baking or frying as well.
However, as stated earlier, together with the tilefish, shark and swordfish, the king mackerel contains high levels of methylmecury that could be lethal for children or pregnant women based on United States Environmental Protection Agency.
These sea creatures are considered to be migratory types or species of mackerels (Scomberomorus cavalla).
King Mackerels are very significant in terms of their contribution to economy (trade, market and in commercial fishing aspects).
As per the United States Food and Drug Administration, there are four types of fishes that have been deemed with the highest mercury content in terms of concentration and this fish is amongst the group.
For this reason, children and pregnant women are not advised to eat them.
Physical Attributes and Sizes A medium sized king mackerel weighs an average of five to thirty pounds.
In some occasions, the fish's weight could exceed more or less ninety pounds.
Scales are loosely affixed in the fish's body which and are hardly noticeable because of its small sizes.
The spiny dorsal fin is completely colorless and usually folded back into a body furrow like the pelvic fins.
The lateral line begins on the the fish shoulder, plunges hastily at the fish's midsection and then carries on as a wavy parallel line towards the tail.
These fish are measured usually in terms of their heaviness.
Big mackerels could weigh an average of nine kilograms or more or less twenty pounds.
Smaller mackerels could weigh an average of five kilos or around ten pounds.
Smaller king mackerels are normally found forty to 150 feet below the waters while the larger types of this fish are occasionally staying 600 feet under the waters.
King Mackerels' Feeding Behavior Speaking of their feeding instincts, these fish are said to be opportunistic and gluttonous or voracious eaters.
These sea creatures are carnivorous and their sizes also determine their prey or food.
They usually feast on blue runners, northern mackerels, threadfin, Cigar minnows, striped anchovies (Engraulidae), grunts (Haemulidae), weakfish (Sciaenidae), cutlassfish (Trichiuridae), jacks (Scombridae), sardine-like fish (Clupeidae) and menhaden.
These preferences in their feeding habits greatly depend on their season and area as well.
As For Human Consumption King mackerel had been officially commercialized and marketed in 2005.
These fishes are sold as steaks, fillets or could be purchased in the round (or whole).
The high fat content of the fish makes the raw flesh grayish.
These fishes are best cooked or prepared by smoking, baking or frying as well.
However, as stated earlier, together with the tilefish, shark and swordfish, the king mackerel contains high levels of methylmecury that could be lethal for children or pregnant women based on United States Environmental Protection Agency.