Giant Danio
- Scientific Name:Devario aequipinnatus
- Synonym:Danio aequipinnatus, Danio aequipinnulus, Danio alburnus, Danio aurloineatus, Danio browni, Danio malabaricus, Danio lineolatus, Danio micronema, Danio micronema, Danio osteograohus, Leuciscus aequipinnatus, Leuciscus lineolatus, Paradanio aurolineatus, Perilampus aequipinnatus, Perilampus malabaricus, Pteropsarion aequipinnatus
- Common Name: Giant Danio
- Family: Cyprinidae
- Origin: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand
- Adult Size: 4 inches (10 cm)
- Social: Active, peaceful, schooling fish
- Lifespan:5+ years
- Tank Level: Mid and top sweller
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Diet: Omnivorous, accepts all foods
- Breeding: Egg scatterers
- Care: Easy
- pH: 6.8-7.5
- Hardness: to 20 dGH
- Temperature: 72-75 F ( 22-24 C)
The Giant Danio, Devario aequipinnatus, originates from the hill streams and standing waters of India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar and northern Thailand. Their natural habitat are clear waters, that range from free flowing to still water. The genus this fish is assigned to has changed over the years, and it is common to see this species referred to by the name 'Danio' in literature. The Malabar Danio, Devario malabaricus, was once considered the same species, but has been identified as a separate, but closely related, species.
Aptly named the Giant Daino, this deep bodied species can reach four inches (ten cm) in length, in nature reaching even larger sizes.
The body is iridescent gold with steel blue colored spots and stripes running lengthwise from the gills to the tail. In females the stripe bends upwards at the base of the tail, while in males this stripe runs straight, extending through the tail. The fins are pale golden in color and rounded, while the tail fine is forked. There are several color variations, including an albino one. Giant Danios are active, swimming rapidly throughout the tank, with a preference for the upper levels of the aquarium. They are a schooling fish, and should not be kept singly.
Due to its size, the Giant Danio is not well suited to being kept with smaller fish. The rule of thumb is to not combine small fish with any fish that is large enough to swallow them. Small characins would be at risk, but medium to large characins may be suitable. Any medium to large sized bottom dwelling fish will do well with Giant Danios. Slow moving fish, such as Angelfish or Bettas, are not suitable as tank mates with Giant Danios. Smaller community fish are also unsuitable tank mates for Giant Danios. They make excellent in Cichlid tanks, as long as the Cichlid species are not overly aggressive. Giant Danios should always be kept in school of a half dozen at minimum, preferably more. Smaller numbers often result in aggressive behavior towards other fish, and even each other. dither fish
The size and activity level of this species requires a roomy aquarium to provide sufficient swimming space. Although a 55 gallon tank is the recommended minimum size, it is possible to keep them in a 30 or 40 gallon tank as it is the 'long' variety. Any tank under 36 inches in length is simply too small to keep Giant Danios comfortably. Because they have a tendency to jump, the tank should be kept well covered at all times. Filtration should be sufficient to provide a steady flow of water, and maintain good water quality. Decor to mimic a river or stream habitat is ideal, but not required. If choosing to mimic the natural environment, use river gravel or sand, driftwood and sturdy plants, such as Anubias, along the periphery.
Giant Danios are omnivorous, and will accept a wide range of foods, including flake, freeze-dried, frozen and live foods. To bring out the best coloration, offer live foods, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia or mosquito larvae. If live foods are not available, substitute the frozen counterpart. Occasionally include vegetable flakes in their feedings as well, to provide a well balanced diet.
Sexual Differences
Females are attractively colored, but generally are less vivid than the males, and the horizontal blue stripe takes an upward turn just before it meets the tail-fin. The abdomen of the female is fuller and rounder than that of the male. Males are thinner and the horizontal blue stripe remains straight, extending on through the tail-fin. They are also noticeably slimmer than their female counterparts. Like other members of this family, Giant Danios are loyal to their mates, remaining with them for life.
Giant Danios are relatively easy to breed and the fry fairly easy to raise. Spawning should be attempted in a roomy tank that has some exposure to sun, if possible, as natural sunlight will trigger spawning. The water should be warm, in the range of 77-82 F(25-28 C), with a pH of 7.0 or below. Provide fine-leafed plants, such as Java Moss, or a spawning mop. Condition the breeder pair with live foods, such as brine shrimp.
During spawning up to 20 eggs will be produced during each pairing, and continues until as many as 300 are scattered on the plants or spawning mop. The breeding pair should be removed once the eggs are laid, as the parents will consume the eggs and fry. In 24 to 36 hours the eggs will hatch, and the fry will become free swimming approximately 48 hours later. The fry can be feed commercially prepared fine fry foods, or freshly hatched brine shrimp.