Chocolate Could Be Dangerous For Your Dog
It is funny to hear that chocolate can kill dogs but it is serious that chocolate could really kill dogs.
There can be many reasons why a puppy throws up.
The most likely reason is that a pet had just eaten very fast and drank a lot of water either before or after playing.
Its food expands when mixed with liquids and when a puppy gulps the food and then drank water, the food will cause bloating in the stomach.
The puppy will try to relieve the pressure and tension from the expanded stomach by throwing up the excess food.
The only best thing about chocolate compound is called theobromine.
It is a stimulant which gives a good feeling after taking a bite of a dark chocolate bar.
The effect of theobromine is same effect on humans like caffeine and it could be toxic.
Animals such as horses, birds, rodents, cats and especially dogs cannot metabolize theobromine as efficiently as humans can.
When they take a bite of a bar of dark chocolate, if theobromine remains in their bloodstream for more than a day, it can cause heart attacks, seizures and internal hemorrhage.
It results in death in many cases.
A puppy should drink only small quantity of water especially after playing.
A shallow water bowl can be used to stop the pet from drinking large quantity.
A pet should also be encouraged to rest after meals.
If the puppy keeps repeating its food, then it might be a different reason.
If a puppy is observed eating bits of grass and then rolling on the ground, this will cause some a dog to throw up in some cases.
They can vomit in another way by licking the fur they're shedding regularly and then pull the fur ball out of their stomachs.
Smaller dogs that have higher causes of bloat than the general dogs include Pekinese and dachshunds.
Some chocolates have more theobromine than others and for a small dog, it only takes a small bite out of a dark bar and he's gone.
Dark chocolate has twice as much theobromine as compared to milk chocolate.
If a dog has eaten chocolate, it will show signs of seizure like vomiting, frequent peeing diarrhea, extreme excitement, paranoia and excessive thirst.
In serious cases, the dog can have muscle spasms and can later go into coma and it could suffer from cardiac arrest in no time.
If a dog accidentally eats chocolate, it should be taken to a vet clinic immediately.
The vet will handle the situation.
There is nothing one can do if a chocolate effects starts but to get the dog out of danger, chocolates have to be kept out of dog's reach.
If both cases get serious, they need immediate medical attention because they can result in death.
There can be many reasons why a puppy throws up.
The most likely reason is that a pet had just eaten very fast and drank a lot of water either before or after playing.
Its food expands when mixed with liquids and when a puppy gulps the food and then drank water, the food will cause bloating in the stomach.
The puppy will try to relieve the pressure and tension from the expanded stomach by throwing up the excess food.
The only best thing about chocolate compound is called theobromine.
It is a stimulant which gives a good feeling after taking a bite of a dark chocolate bar.
The effect of theobromine is same effect on humans like caffeine and it could be toxic.
Animals such as horses, birds, rodents, cats and especially dogs cannot metabolize theobromine as efficiently as humans can.
When they take a bite of a bar of dark chocolate, if theobromine remains in their bloodstream for more than a day, it can cause heart attacks, seizures and internal hemorrhage.
It results in death in many cases.
A puppy should drink only small quantity of water especially after playing.
A shallow water bowl can be used to stop the pet from drinking large quantity.
A pet should also be encouraged to rest after meals.
If the puppy keeps repeating its food, then it might be a different reason.
If a puppy is observed eating bits of grass and then rolling on the ground, this will cause some a dog to throw up in some cases.
They can vomit in another way by licking the fur they're shedding regularly and then pull the fur ball out of their stomachs.
Smaller dogs that have higher causes of bloat than the general dogs include Pekinese and dachshunds.
Some chocolates have more theobromine than others and for a small dog, it only takes a small bite out of a dark bar and he's gone.
Dark chocolate has twice as much theobromine as compared to milk chocolate.
If a dog has eaten chocolate, it will show signs of seizure like vomiting, frequent peeing diarrhea, extreme excitement, paranoia and excessive thirst.
In serious cases, the dog can have muscle spasms and can later go into coma and it could suffer from cardiac arrest in no time.
If a dog accidentally eats chocolate, it should be taken to a vet clinic immediately.
The vet will handle the situation.
There is nothing one can do if a chocolate effects starts but to get the dog out of danger, chocolates have to be kept out of dog's reach.
If both cases get serious, they need immediate medical attention because they can result in death.