HD Video Cameras
As you might imagine, HD video cameras ('HD' standing for high definition) give you fantastic clarity of shots, but it's a bit like that TV ad encouraging you to get an eye test because you need HD-ready eyesight to be ready for HD TV; so it goes that you need HD ready skills to really make use of HD video cameras.
The good news is that you can soon learn these skills and launch yourself into the affordable and powerful world of HD video cameras.
First Things First When you begin shooting with your HD video cameras you need to select your scan, your frame rate and your resolution.
You should get used to operating all these things manually and not rely on automatic settings.
Otherwise you are by no means getting the best use of your camera and could instead go for a much cheaper model, still getting the same quality - which is probably less than half what HD cameras can truly offer to you.
Choosing Your Scan Mode There are usually two scan modes available on HD video cameras.
Progressive scan gives your footage a cinematic feel.
Interlaced is more suitable for news gathering, allowing the footage a raw, life-like feel.
If you're seeking the real movie look, shoot your footage and twenty-four frames per second.
Practice Makes Perfect There is no substitute for practice when it comes to learning how to use one of these cameras, but you'll have great fun while you practice! One of the biggest considerations that you have to remember with HD is that focus is even more crucial than it is with regular video cameras.
A fuzzy, out of focus shot will obvious.
For the same reason, you should consider investing in a good tripod to avoid camera shake that shows up as bright as day on HD video cameras.
That would certainly diminish the clarity you could get with one of these beauties! Your footage will benefit from more light than you might normally use, too.
Certain HD cameras have a focus assist function which is very useful, especially when you are just starting out.
If you are shooting fast action, remember to use a high shutter speed such as 1/250 or more.
The Devil is in the Details HD video cameras are just that - high definition.
They will display flaws in your setting, your make-up, and even show off that nagging pimple to the world.
So there is even some down side to great clarity.
The good news is that you can soon learn these skills and launch yourself into the affordable and powerful world of HD video cameras.
First Things First When you begin shooting with your HD video cameras you need to select your scan, your frame rate and your resolution.
You should get used to operating all these things manually and not rely on automatic settings.
Otherwise you are by no means getting the best use of your camera and could instead go for a much cheaper model, still getting the same quality - which is probably less than half what HD cameras can truly offer to you.
Choosing Your Scan Mode There are usually two scan modes available on HD video cameras.
Progressive scan gives your footage a cinematic feel.
Interlaced is more suitable for news gathering, allowing the footage a raw, life-like feel.
If you're seeking the real movie look, shoot your footage and twenty-four frames per second.
Practice Makes Perfect There is no substitute for practice when it comes to learning how to use one of these cameras, but you'll have great fun while you practice! One of the biggest considerations that you have to remember with HD is that focus is even more crucial than it is with regular video cameras.
A fuzzy, out of focus shot will obvious.
For the same reason, you should consider investing in a good tripod to avoid camera shake that shows up as bright as day on HD video cameras.
That would certainly diminish the clarity you could get with one of these beauties! Your footage will benefit from more light than you might normally use, too.
Certain HD cameras have a focus assist function which is very useful, especially when you are just starting out.
If you are shooting fast action, remember to use a high shutter speed such as 1/250 or more.
The Devil is in the Details HD video cameras are just that - high definition.
They will display flaws in your setting, your make-up, and even show off that nagging pimple to the world.
So there is even some down side to great clarity.