Am I Suffering From Anxiety?
Here are few questions you should truthfully ask yourself to check out whether you are suffering from anxiety or could potentially suffer from anxiety.
It should be noted that is not really enough to say just yes or no to these questions, you also have to look at the intensity and the length of time you have had these issues.
1 Am I having health problems? Do you frequently feel ill with symptoms like finding it hard to breath, sweating unnecessarily, and other symptoms that you can not find a reason for? Q.
2 Do I repress my feelings? Do you have someone to talk about your inner feelings to? It is always important to talk to at least one person about your feelings - Keeping a stiff upper lip and hoping things will get better, can lead to all sorts of problems including problems with your physical health.
3 Do I constantly worry about things? Worrying is a constant strain on the body and mind.
If you feel that you worry more than you get things done then find out how to reduce the worrying.
4 Are my anxious thoughts starting to control me? Do you feel that you are not really in control anymore, and that everybody and every situation is controlling you.
Do you feel at a dead-end? Q.
5 Are my negative thoughts taking over? Do you wake up feeling negative each day and feeling unable to cope with everyday things? Do you find it difficult to feel positive? Q.
6 Do I neglect myself? Are you eating properly? Are you taking regular exercise? Do you sleep well and for long enough? Not giving yourself enough time can cause you to feel stressed.
Stress can lead to anxiety.
Remember it is normal to feel anxious sometimes but when any of the above goes on for a long time and/or is intense then it is time to think about either helping yourself or getting help to change your situation.
It should be noted that is not really enough to say just yes or no to these questions, you also have to look at the intensity and the length of time you have had these issues.
1 Am I having health problems? Do you frequently feel ill with symptoms like finding it hard to breath, sweating unnecessarily, and other symptoms that you can not find a reason for? Q.
2 Do I repress my feelings? Do you have someone to talk about your inner feelings to? It is always important to talk to at least one person about your feelings - Keeping a stiff upper lip and hoping things will get better, can lead to all sorts of problems including problems with your physical health.
3 Do I constantly worry about things? Worrying is a constant strain on the body and mind.
If you feel that you worry more than you get things done then find out how to reduce the worrying.
4 Are my anxious thoughts starting to control me? Do you feel that you are not really in control anymore, and that everybody and every situation is controlling you.
Do you feel at a dead-end? Q.
5 Are my negative thoughts taking over? Do you wake up feeling negative each day and feeling unable to cope with everyday things? Do you find it difficult to feel positive? Q.
6 Do I neglect myself? Are you eating properly? Are you taking regular exercise? Do you sleep well and for long enough? Not giving yourself enough time can cause you to feel stressed.
Stress can lead to anxiety.
Remember it is normal to feel anxious sometimes but when any of the above goes on for a long time and/or is intense then it is time to think about either helping yourself or getting help to change your situation.