Treating Panic Attacks With Deep Breathing
Panic attacks can affect anybody, even you, irrespective of whether you are in a perfect emotional state.
It is taken for granted that panic attacks strike only those who are very stressed and depressed.
But, there are simple and very effective ways of treating and dealing with panic attacks or panic disorder.
Deep breathing and meditation is considered to be one of the best ways to treat and control panic attacks.
Regular deep breathing exercise has been found to very effective when practiced precisely.
It is the best way to calm down the shaken nerves and restore the blissful feeling of well being.
This is how it should be done - First sit down in a chair upright, and then fully and comfortably rest your back.
Slowly, start breathing in pushing out your stomach in the process.
Once you have reached your maximum capacity of taking in the air, hold it to the count of 1 to 20, which you can mentally process.
Make sure you count at a medium pace, not too slow and not too fast either.
At the count of 20, slowly begin to breathe out the air that is filled within your stomach through the mouth, in a whistling fashion, though quietly.
After having finished this exercise once, count to 30, before you repeat the process again.
Do it every time you are free and it would do you good to practice it as often as possible.
Do not undermine this exercise, just because it is seems too simple to cure or treat something as unnerving as a panic attack.
Its beauty lies in its simplicity.
It is very effective and helps restore the much needed calmness and coping with it.
Deep breathing sends increased levels of oxygen to your brain, which helps one think more clearly and easily.
Also, this process relaxes the body muscles, which tighten and contract painfully during a panic attack.
But, this breathing exercise requires one to breathe abdominally, i.
breathing through your diaphragm, and not from the chest.
But, those suffering from panic disorder, generally, are chest breathers.
For, them abdominal breathing is a difficult task to perform.
They often need lots of training to breathe in easily and normally from the diaphragm.
One can learn to breathe diaphragmatically by practicing this simple method: Lie down comfortably on your back.
Then keep one hand on the chest and the other on your stomach region, in between the navel and ribs.
Now, concentrate on letting your belly rise when you inhale and get back to its original state on exhaling.
All this while, hold your chest still and you can keep a track of this with your hand on the chest.
Aim for around 5-6 breaths per minute.
Make sure this whole process is relaxed without you having to put in any effort.
By, practicing this as often as possible, one can easily train oneself to breath abdominally.
Deep breathing has been found to show remarkable improvements in panic attack and panic disorder patients.
It is taken for granted that panic attacks strike only those who are very stressed and depressed.
But, there are simple and very effective ways of treating and dealing with panic attacks or panic disorder.
Deep breathing and meditation is considered to be one of the best ways to treat and control panic attacks.
Regular deep breathing exercise has been found to very effective when practiced precisely.
It is the best way to calm down the shaken nerves and restore the blissful feeling of well being.
This is how it should be done - First sit down in a chair upright, and then fully and comfortably rest your back.
Slowly, start breathing in pushing out your stomach in the process.
Once you have reached your maximum capacity of taking in the air, hold it to the count of 1 to 20, which you can mentally process.
Make sure you count at a medium pace, not too slow and not too fast either.
At the count of 20, slowly begin to breathe out the air that is filled within your stomach through the mouth, in a whistling fashion, though quietly.
After having finished this exercise once, count to 30, before you repeat the process again.
Do it every time you are free and it would do you good to practice it as often as possible.
Do not undermine this exercise, just because it is seems too simple to cure or treat something as unnerving as a panic attack.
Its beauty lies in its simplicity.
It is very effective and helps restore the much needed calmness and coping with it.
Deep breathing sends increased levels of oxygen to your brain, which helps one think more clearly and easily.
Also, this process relaxes the body muscles, which tighten and contract painfully during a panic attack.
But, this breathing exercise requires one to breathe abdominally, i.
breathing through your diaphragm, and not from the chest.
But, those suffering from panic disorder, generally, are chest breathers.
For, them abdominal breathing is a difficult task to perform.
They often need lots of training to breathe in easily and normally from the diaphragm.
One can learn to breathe diaphragmatically by practicing this simple method: Lie down comfortably on your back.
Then keep one hand on the chest and the other on your stomach region, in between the navel and ribs.
Now, concentrate on letting your belly rise when you inhale and get back to its original state on exhaling.
All this while, hold your chest still and you can keep a track of this with your hand on the chest.
Aim for around 5-6 breaths per minute.
Make sure this whole process is relaxed without you having to put in any effort.
By, practicing this as often as possible, one can easily train oneself to breath abdominally.
Deep breathing has been found to show remarkable improvements in panic attack and panic disorder patients.