C4 Big Brother - Why Would You Want to Appear in a Reality TV Show?
What Attracts People to Appear in Shows like C4 Big Brother ? - There are two main questions to be answered here.
Reality TV has been described by some as 'humiliation and debasement' and the question has been raised as to whether they should be legistlated against.
* If this is the case the first question must be why do such shows exist? What has caused the current trend for an abundance of tv programmes that put people's lives on show? Next question, given that there are such shows, why do right minded people want to appear on them? Or are they right minded, are there really any valid reasons for wanting to appear on tv to be made an idiot of? Why do Programs like C4 Big Brother Exist? - Here we need to look at the effects of modern technology on our viewing.
So what are the factors that motivate them?
com - 'Reality TV's 15 Minutes of Fame' - Dr.
Pamela Rutledge **Today.
Reality TV has been described by some as 'humiliation and debasement' and the question has been raised as to whether they should be legistlated against.
* If this is the case the first question must be why do such shows exist? What has caused the current trend for an abundance of tv programmes that put people's lives on show? Next question, given that there are such shows, why do right minded people want to appear on them? Or are they right minded, are there really any valid reasons for wanting to appear on tv to be made an idiot of? Why do Programs like C4 Big Brother Exist? - Here we need to look at the effects of modern technology on our viewing.
- Rapid development of technology has led to a huge diversity of places to distribute information.
We have hundreds of TV channels, plus the vast space of the internet to fill with some sort of content that appeals to some sort of audience. - So there is an information vacuum which needs to be filled with something - anything - and this means that the emphasis is placed on volume of information, in other words quantity rather than quality.
- This provides an ideal opportunity for anyone, regardless of talent or skill, to get their fifteen minutes of fame.
Mr Joe Public, has the opportunity to become what is commonly known as 'a celebrity'.
So what are the factors that motivate them?
- People can feel worthless and powerless in their relationships and jobs.
By appearing on reality tv they get attention, for whatever reasons, and the attention provides validation in their lives.
They are no longer worthless, because whatever they are doing attracts an audience. - Through this kind of validation, the definition of their lives is changed.
Even airing your dirty washing in public on shows like Jeremy Kyle can give you some stature.
It is not the fact that you publicly failed a lie detector task that has an impact on your life, it is the fact that millions of viewers watched it! - Another point about shows like Oprah is that they are seen as providing some kind of hope of redemption.
You can appear on the show, 'fess up and be rewarded with a family reconciliation, or maybe even a rehab program.
- Money is obviously a factor when partaking in shows like C4 Big Brother - There is a money prize to be won by the last housemate in, and lots of opportunities for paid media exposure following an eviction.
Even celebrities are interested in earning extra money through reality tv.
An example is Patti Blagovich - wife of the ex governor.
She admitted on tv that she would appear in - Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here - purely for the money.
** - Another reason for celebrities to appear on reality tv is when their careers are on the wane, to give them a publicity boost..
com - 'Reality TV's 15 Minutes of Fame' - Dr.
Pamela Rutledge **Today.