Why We Worry About Money
I was once told by a clairvoyant that I would always have enough money, that he saw two pots of money next to me, and when one was empty the other one would be full. I had forgotten all about this, until my brother reminded me of it a year or so ago when I was talking about my financial worries.
The reason I probably forgot about it was that for me then, all those years ago, it was no biggie, I had no financial worries, all was well as far as I was concerned in the financial department, the money was flowing in faster than flowing out and that felt just fine to me.
But when things changed a few years ago, when the money was flowing out faster than flowing in, my feelings changed. Money became my primary concern, my focus. My whole life seemed to be overshadowed by money issues, and I was worried.
The psychologists say that this is normal human behaviour, when we don't get something we want, we put all our focus on it and it becomes the biggest problem to solve. For example, if a couple are having an issue around sex in their relationship, then it becomes 90% of what their relationship is based on, if it's not an issue, it only counts for 10%. I heard Dr Phil say this on one of his shows years ago.
And for me this was money. Why? Why do we as human beings focus on the problem? Why do we go round and round on our hamster wheels with the same thoughts and same problems looking for the solution?
My answer is because we were taught to do it that way. We were taught that if we have a problem then the quickest and easiest way to solve it is by focusing on it, thinking really hard about it, analysing it, working it out just like we would a math problem. That's what I have always done with all my €problems€. I bought lots of self help books, attended seminars and courses, listened to all the top €gurus€ believing that they would have the answer for me. And to some extent I still do.
But you know what has become and is becoming more and more clear to me? The answer is not out there. The answer, and all the answers are within each and every one of us. If we allow ourselves to get quiet enough, if we make the decision to stop working so hard to come up with the solution to a problem, then somewhere, somehow, the answer will float to the surface for us effortlessly. If we go back in time, we can find situations where we made the decision to €give up€ on finding the answer to something, and €miraculously€ somewhere down the line the answer appeared.
In the sports field this being quiet is called being in the €zone€. In the spiritual sector it is called €meditation€. In the metaphysical field it is called being in the €flow€. In the business sector..... there is no such thing! In the traditional board room, the answers are thrashed out around the table with lots of busy analytical thinking, pressure to perform, competitiveness, and so on. That's what we have been taught to do.
And to take it one step further. When we are €thinking€ we have a €problem€ and looking for the solution, it's helpful to remember that the problem has been created by the same thinking that is looking for the solution. Is that even possible?
Isn't that like a dog chasing it's own tail?
It maybe much more helpful to stop chasing, rest and wait for a while.
Garret Kramer, author and performance coach, says that it's never about the strategy, it's always about the mindset. Meaning as long as we are in a low state of mind, it's a good idea not to act from this place. And this is where the 90% focus on the problem is showing up. It looks that way because we are in a low state of mind. When my state of mind is high, it doesn't seem nearly as bad, if bad at all.
So when we find ourselves worrying excessively about a specific issue or problem, then this is a signal that we are in a low state of mind and to proceed with caution. Do nothing. Stop. Wait for a high quality of mind to kick in and notice if the €problem€ even exists now.
So the very fact that I worry about money is actually a sign that I am in a low state of mind, it's not a signal to go out and find a solution now. It's a signal to do nothing. And so being OK with the low state of mind and doing nothing about it, is where I am in the learning process at the moment.
This totally explains why some days I am OK with my financial situation and sometimes I'm not, even though my bank balance is the same.
How about you? Are you worrying about money? Are you having good days and bad days? Does it really depend on how much money is flowing in and out?
The truth is it doesn't. I know it really does seem that way, it still does to me some days, and that's when I'm like a dog chasing it's tail. And then at other times, and days, when I am in a high quality state of mind, I feel just fine, and that's when I come up with great ideas on how to create more money flowing in.
If you are worrying about money, and would like to explore this further with me, email me now at sheela@sheelamasand.com to organise a complimentary discovery session. I would love to support you wherever you are. Email me now if any of what I have said resonates with you.
The reason I probably forgot about it was that for me then, all those years ago, it was no biggie, I had no financial worries, all was well as far as I was concerned in the financial department, the money was flowing in faster than flowing out and that felt just fine to me.
But when things changed a few years ago, when the money was flowing out faster than flowing in, my feelings changed. Money became my primary concern, my focus. My whole life seemed to be overshadowed by money issues, and I was worried.
The psychologists say that this is normal human behaviour, when we don't get something we want, we put all our focus on it and it becomes the biggest problem to solve. For example, if a couple are having an issue around sex in their relationship, then it becomes 90% of what their relationship is based on, if it's not an issue, it only counts for 10%. I heard Dr Phil say this on one of his shows years ago.
And for me this was money. Why? Why do we as human beings focus on the problem? Why do we go round and round on our hamster wheels with the same thoughts and same problems looking for the solution?
My answer is because we were taught to do it that way. We were taught that if we have a problem then the quickest and easiest way to solve it is by focusing on it, thinking really hard about it, analysing it, working it out just like we would a math problem. That's what I have always done with all my €problems€. I bought lots of self help books, attended seminars and courses, listened to all the top €gurus€ believing that they would have the answer for me. And to some extent I still do.
But you know what has become and is becoming more and more clear to me? The answer is not out there. The answer, and all the answers are within each and every one of us. If we allow ourselves to get quiet enough, if we make the decision to stop working so hard to come up with the solution to a problem, then somewhere, somehow, the answer will float to the surface for us effortlessly. If we go back in time, we can find situations where we made the decision to €give up€ on finding the answer to something, and €miraculously€ somewhere down the line the answer appeared.
In the sports field this being quiet is called being in the €zone€. In the spiritual sector it is called €meditation€. In the metaphysical field it is called being in the €flow€. In the business sector..... there is no such thing! In the traditional board room, the answers are thrashed out around the table with lots of busy analytical thinking, pressure to perform, competitiveness, and so on. That's what we have been taught to do.
And to take it one step further. When we are €thinking€ we have a €problem€ and looking for the solution, it's helpful to remember that the problem has been created by the same thinking that is looking for the solution. Is that even possible?
Isn't that like a dog chasing it's own tail?
It maybe much more helpful to stop chasing, rest and wait for a while.
Garret Kramer, author and performance coach, says that it's never about the strategy, it's always about the mindset. Meaning as long as we are in a low state of mind, it's a good idea not to act from this place. And this is where the 90% focus on the problem is showing up. It looks that way because we are in a low state of mind. When my state of mind is high, it doesn't seem nearly as bad, if bad at all.
So when we find ourselves worrying excessively about a specific issue or problem, then this is a signal that we are in a low state of mind and to proceed with caution. Do nothing. Stop. Wait for a high quality of mind to kick in and notice if the €problem€ even exists now.
So the very fact that I worry about money is actually a sign that I am in a low state of mind, it's not a signal to go out and find a solution now. It's a signal to do nothing. And so being OK with the low state of mind and doing nothing about it, is where I am in the learning process at the moment.
This totally explains why some days I am OK with my financial situation and sometimes I'm not, even though my bank balance is the same.
How about you? Are you worrying about money? Are you having good days and bad days? Does it really depend on how much money is flowing in and out?
The truth is it doesn't. I know it really does seem that way, it still does to me some days, and that's when I'm like a dog chasing it's tail. And then at other times, and days, when I am in a high quality state of mind, I feel just fine, and that's when I come up with great ideas on how to create more money flowing in.
If you are worrying about money, and would like to explore this further with me, email me now at sheela@sheelamasand.com to organise a complimentary discovery session. I would love to support you wherever you are. Email me now if any of what I have said resonates with you.