Overview of the Health Insurance Enrollment Process
- Many employers offer several health plan choices. If your employer does not provide health insurance, or if you are self-employed or unemployed, search for a suitable plan online. Visit websites such as ehealthinsurance.com or gohealthinsurance.com to compare plans side-by-side, or visit the health insurance companies own websites. Answer questions including your age, location and dependents' ages to obtain a quote. To decide which plan to enroll in, compare premiums, deductibles and co-pays of all available health plans.
- You must apply for individual coverage after selecting a health plan. If your plan is employer-sponsored, depending on your company size, you may proceed directly to enrollment. Your employer provides the next steps. Most plans offer the ability to apply online after obtaining a quote. Answer additional questions about you and your dependents' health history and desired coverage levels. The health plan retains the right to approve or deny you coverage. If you cannot obtain coverage due to preexisting conditions, review the state-sponsored plans where you live.
- Many health plans allow easy online enrollment. If your insurance is employer-sponsored, you will likely enroll online during your company's open enrollment period. In collaboration with the health plan, your employer provides materials to explain how to use the online enrollment system. After obtaining your log in and password to assure your privacy, the online enrollment systems walk you through the required information, such as name of those to be covered, effective date and health plan choice. Upon completion, the system allows you to print a confirmation of enrollment.
- Close to the first day of your health insurance coverage, the insurance company sends you and your dependents medical identification cards. Depending on when you enrolled, the cards may come before or after your coverage effective date. If they have not arrived before the first day of coverage, do not wait to see a doctor or use medical services. Provide the doctor or hospital the name of your health plan and your Social Security number and they will call the health plan to verify eligibility.
Selecting Health Insurance
Applying for Coverage
Online Enrollment
ID Cards