The Biblical Revelation
Though almost all religions be when the existence of God, most of them teach that this infinite God does not communicate with man, and also that this God is not interested in direct communication with man. Further, highly philosophical religions like Hinduism maintain that the Ultimate One is an impersonal cosmic force which does not need to communicate directly with mankind, and which does not in reality have any direct communication with mankind. The Bible on the other hand maintains that God is a person, very much interested in communication with the his creation, and who is very active in communicating divine truths with mankind. The Bible also makes it clear that God communicates with mankind in three different ways: through general revelation, through specific revelation, and through his son Lord Jesus Christ. Each one of these revelations has specific characteristics, and these characteristics are clearly explained in the Scriptures. The General revelation: God has made the universe in such a way, and has left his imprint upon the creation in such ways, that any mature person looking objectively at the universe will automatically come to realize the existence of an all powerful creator behind the creation. This is called God-consciousness, and the general revelation is powerful enough to make any honest person fully conscious that there's a God behind all of this. General revelation does not give detailed information about God, His full character, the history of creation, or information related to the developments related to mankind such as temptation and fall. Further, general revelation does not give specific information about the way of salvation. General revelation serves only for the purpose of attracting man to his creator, and it is expected that this revelation would prompt every God fearing man to desire to know full truth about got. Once this desire is manifested in the hearts of any inquirer, it is God's responsibility to furnish full information about Himself and also about His plan of salvation to mankind. Many religions contain religious and philosophical truths deduced from human observation of the universe. While this kind of a deduction might contain some useful information, it is never sufficient to know any appreciable detail about the person of God, His mode of creation, or things related to incarnation, crucification, or salvation by grace through faith. All specific information about creation, God's attribute, man's temptation, fall, promise about a Savior, incarnation, and Christ's sacrifice on the cross, etc. have to come from Specific or Special Revelation. Specific revelation is found only in the 66 books of the Old and New Testament, collectively called the Bible. Special Revelation: though General Revelation gives man enough information about creation, providence, goodness, wisdom, and power of God, none of these things is sufficient either individually or collectively to bring man to the knowledge or salvation. This is the reason why God had to give Special Revelation in the form of what is now called the Bible. The 66 books that form the Old and the New testament have come to us through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. These 66 books are totally free from error and also completely authoritative. The books called the Apocrypha have not been written by divine inspiration. on the contrary, they have been produced by crafty men who wrote books containing a mixture of history, theology, philosophy, and a lot of totally erroneous information all intermingled with each other. The main purpose behind writing them was to impose and propagate totally erroneous human philosophies in the name of divine revelation. These documents where never part of the Old testament or the New Testament, but were forcibly added to the canon of the bible by the Roman Catholic church. These books have no divine authority at all. The authority of the Scriptures does not depend upon the testimony of any human being, church, our church council. On the contrary, it depends upon the testimony of God. From time to time God had been testifying to what books have been inspired by the Holy Spirit, and such testimony has been received by the children of God both during the time of the Old testament as well as during the New testament times. The entire counsel of God concerning all things that are necessary for God's glory, man's salvation, and a holy living are given in the Scriptures with sufficient clarity. If a new issue arises, on which the Scriptures is silent, a solution to the problem can be obtain through a process of scriptural deduction based upon information that is already available there. No human being is authorized to add anything to the revealed word of God, and no one is given the authority to annul anything contained in the Scriptures. Such authority has not been given to any human being, theologian, church, or church councils.