Countertop Ideas
- If you have old countertops that are damaged or outdated, you can improve the surface with paint. Cleaning off the counter is the first step. Then sand and paint the counter in stages, using bonding primer, acrylic paints and a clear coat. If you want something more than a solid-color counter, create a stone look with the paint by using two or three different colors applied with sponges.
- Consider using a little paint and a stencil to give the counter a bit of style or incorporate your overall theme. Paint a border around the surface or along the backsplash. Apply whatever pattern you want, or use something that works with the room, such as flowers, fruits and vegetables or vines.
- Tile your counter. The process is something just about anyone can do, as long as you take your time. If you are working with a new counter, you need to install a subsurface over the cabinets. This is usually made of plywood plus a top layer of cement board. For existing counters, you must glue down a fiberglass paper to the surface, and then cover it with mortar in preparation for tiling. Once the mortar sets or the subsurface is installed, spread thin-set mortar on the surface and lay your tile. The tile patterns are where you can get creative with the look. Consider using different-colored tiles, or a mixture of plain tiles with patterned ones.
- Stone or stone composite counters are used by many, but they are expensive. A cheaper alternative is a concrete counter. Hire someone to install the counter, and you will have a solid, durable surface without the price tag. If you don't want plain grey concrete, you can request that a tint be added to the cement mix. You might also consider waiting until after it is installed and stain it yourself with a concrete acid stain. Create designs in the concrete by taping off portions of the counter, so that the stain doesn't color it, then remove the tape when you are through. In addition, you could stain it several colors to create a natural stone effect.
Paint to Cover Up
Add Painted Detail
Add Tile Design
Concrete With Color