Lemon Spotted Green Pleco Information
- Lemon spotted green plecos are native to the Rio Oricono River in Venezuela.Orinoco river citizents image by captainbruzas from Fotolia.com
The lemon spotted green pleco (hemiancistrus subviridis) belongs to a large catfish family known as loricariids, or armored suckermouth catfish. Rather than scales, loridariids have armored plates. This family of fish, including the green pleco, originates in South America. They're typically found in fast-flowing rivers where their suckermouth adaptation allows them to cling to rocks and filter food from the passing water. - The lemon spotted green pleco can grow from 4.5 inches up to 7.5 inches. Colors can range from yellow-green to blue-green with the namesake yellow spots on the head and body.
- This fish is a very popular choice for aquariums because of its attractive coloring. Despite its preferred habitat of fast-flowing rivers, this fish can adapt to calmer tanks and does well with a community of fish.
Catfish Family
Color and Size
As an Aquarium Fish