Is the Mini Pinscher Related to the Doberman?
- The miniature pinscher was recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1925. "Pinscher" translates to "terrier" in German, which makes sense because the mini pinscher originated in Germany several centuries ago. This breed started with the job of hunting rats and is now a popular family dog. Ancestors of the miniature pinscher are reportedly the dachshund, Italian greyhound and the short-haired German pinscher.
- Louis Dobermann created the Doberman pinscher breed in the late 1800s.Doberman image by Stana from
Louis Dobermann, a German tax collector and dogcatcher, is credited for breeding the first real Doberman pinscher in 1890. His goal was to create a medium-sized dog that would protect him and provide companionship. Dobermann set out to breed "a giant terrier that would look much like the five-pound Reh Pinscher but that would be 15 times heavier and larger," according to the Miniature Pinscher Club of America website. Experts suspected that the Doberman pinscher resulted from crosses of the German short haired pinscher, German shepherds, the Rottweiler and possibly the greyhound and black and tan terrier when the breed became refined by 1899. - The mini pinschers are smart yet stubborn dogs that prefer to be treated as regular-sized dogs. These dogs are relatively small in size, ranging from 10 to 12 1/2 inches tall at the shoulder, making them suitable for the apartment lifestyle. Min pins generally have docked tails, cropped ears, and a similar yet smaller appearance to Doberman pinschers. Miniature pinschers are alert and protective of their families, often serving as a wonderful watchdog. This breed can be playful even when older.
- Doberman pinschers and mini pinschers have a lot in common, from their dispositions to their coloring and appearance. Despite their similarities, these two dog breeds are not related. In other words, mini pinschers are not mini Dobies. The popularity of the miniature pinscher was already in full swing before the Doberman breed came to be. The min pin appeared at the Stuttgart Dog Show in Germany in 1900, just around the time Louis Dobermann was finalizing the Doberman pinscher breed.
History of the Mini Pinscher
History of the Doberman Pinscher
Characteristics of the Mini Pinscher
Are Mini Pinschers and Doberman Pinschers Related?