Why Vertigo Exercises Are Better Than Medication
Vertigo or the sensation of movement of yourself or your environment is among the most common causes of visits to the doctor. There can be many causes of vertigo or dizziness. These can range from insignificant causes such as feeling lightheaded to more severe causes like a stroke or tumor. One common cause of vertigo is benign positional vertigo or bppv. This article will focus on treatment in the form of vertigo exercises for this type of vertigo.
Unfortunately, it is common that this form of vertigo is often treated with medication. While medication may assist in decreasing the symptoms of the vertigo or associated nausea it does not address the root cause of the problem. We will discuss the cause of this type of vertigo, why drugs are not an effective solution and the role of vertigo exercises in your recovery.
This type of vertigo called benign positional vertigo is believed to be caused by debris or particles that become loose in our balance sensors. These balance sensors are called semicircular canals and are located in our inner ear. They are filled with a fluid like substance and our movement stimulates tiny hair like receptors that send messages to our brain to let us know about our movement. The loose debris disrupt the messages to our brain and we may feel an increase sensation of movement or the feeling of vertigo.
The loose particles must be moved to a different place to fix this problem. This cannot be done with drugs or medication, which will only depress your nervous system. This will result in you feeling less dizzy or nauseous because your nervous system has been depressed but the underlying cause of the problem has not been resolved. So even though you may symptomatically feel a little better with decreased symptoms the cause of the problem has not been rectified.
The best and safest way to correct this problem is vertigo exercises. Sadly, many people are given incorrect exercises or informed about the correct exercises in a wrong manner. It is usually for people to be instructed to do habituation exercises. These exercises focus on strongly stimulating the balance organs so they can adapt to strong stimulation, therefore your system hopefully wont feel so dizzy. This approach once again is not really correcting the problem, never the less it is a non drug option. This habituation exercise should be the second choice of vertigo exercises for people, unfortunately they are incorrectly used as the first option.
There is a correct solution to this benign positional vertigo. There are specific vertigo exercises that reposition the particles or debris to a less sensitive area in the semi circular canals. In this position they will not affect the receptors so much. Now this option corrects the underlying problem of the loose debris and does not just cover up the symptoms. If done correctly the exercises are very safe and effective.
Unfortunately, it is common that this form of vertigo is often treated with medication. While medication may assist in decreasing the symptoms of the vertigo or associated nausea it does not address the root cause of the problem. We will discuss the cause of this type of vertigo, why drugs are not an effective solution and the role of vertigo exercises in your recovery.
This type of vertigo called benign positional vertigo is believed to be caused by debris or particles that become loose in our balance sensors. These balance sensors are called semicircular canals and are located in our inner ear. They are filled with a fluid like substance and our movement stimulates tiny hair like receptors that send messages to our brain to let us know about our movement. The loose debris disrupt the messages to our brain and we may feel an increase sensation of movement or the feeling of vertigo.
The loose particles must be moved to a different place to fix this problem. This cannot be done with drugs or medication, which will only depress your nervous system. This will result in you feeling less dizzy or nauseous because your nervous system has been depressed but the underlying cause of the problem has not been resolved. So even though you may symptomatically feel a little better with decreased symptoms the cause of the problem has not been rectified.
The best and safest way to correct this problem is vertigo exercises. Sadly, many people are given incorrect exercises or informed about the correct exercises in a wrong manner. It is usually for people to be instructed to do habituation exercises. These exercises focus on strongly stimulating the balance organs so they can adapt to strong stimulation, therefore your system hopefully wont feel so dizzy. This approach once again is not really correcting the problem, never the less it is a non drug option. This habituation exercise should be the second choice of vertigo exercises for people, unfortunately they are incorrectly used as the first option.
There is a correct solution to this benign positional vertigo. There are specific vertigo exercises that reposition the particles or debris to a less sensitive area in the semi circular canals. In this position they will not affect the receptors so much. Now this option corrects the underlying problem of the loose debris and does not just cover up the symptoms. If done correctly the exercises are very safe and effective.