Rat Control Tips and Advice
Rats are the very last thing you want to see in your house all the more on your dining table or your closet.
Don't you just hate it when you see one eating the food on your table? Rats are nasty dangerous creatures that can pose hazards to your health and your things as well.
Getting rid of them is the goal of every homeowner.
Did you know that rats have poor vision? Yup and they rely mostly on their other senses and they move through the dark making use of their long whiskers and guard hairs on their bodies to guide them.
If you want to trick a rat and capture it, make sure you don't feed it with rotten food or anything it wouldn't like.
It's hard to believe but rats have a discriminating taste too.
They are very cautious as well which means that they will need to drag the food somewhere else and consume it.
Rats have a keen sense of smell to locate food so the smell of any bait can be easily used to make it even more attractive to them.
One nice way to capture a rat is by using a wooden snap trap.
This is the kind we always see in cartoons and movies.
Not a lot of people use this kind of trap because it can only trap one rat at a time and others just think it's low on the humanity scale because it will kill the animal painfully.
If you are on the gentle side, you can use a glue board instead.
These are made of wood or cardboard and are covered with enormously sticky glue.
When a rat runs across it, it will get stuck.
How will it die? By either starving to death or suffocating.
I always put a piece of bread or some bread crumbs on the glue board so that the rat will take the bait in no time and it always works! If you don't want the rats in your house to end up dead (which is unlikely), you can use the multi-catch trap instead.
The only problem is you have to go somewhere else to set them free which means they can end up in somebody else's house or even yours again.
If you think there are a lot of rats in your house and you have had this problem for a long time now, you might consider calling a pest control service to eliminate the problem completely.
Don't you just hate it when you see one eating the food on your table? Rats are nasty dangerous creatures that can pose hazards to your health and your things as well.
Getting rid of them is the goal of every homeowner.
Did you know that rats have poor vision? Yup and they rely mostly on their other senses and they move through the dark making use of their long whiskers and guard hairs on their bodies to guide them.
If you want to trick a rat and capture it, make sure you don't feed it with rotten food or anything it wouldn't like.
It's hard to believe but rats have a discriminating taste too.
They are very cautious as well which means that they will need to drag the food somewhere else and consume it.
Rats have a keen sense of smell to locate food so the smell of any bait can be easily used to make it even more attractive to them.
One nice way to capture a rat is by using a wooden snap trap.
This is the kind we always see in cartoons and movies.
Not a lot of people use this kind of trap because it can only trap one rat at a time and others just think it's low on the humanity scale because it will kill the animal painfully.
If you are on the gentle side, you can use a glue board instead.
These are made of wood or cardboard and are covered with enormously sticky glue.
When a rat runs across it, it will get stuck.
How will it die? By either starving to death or suffocating.
I always put a piece of bread or some bread crumbs on the glue board so that the rat will take the bait in no time and it always works! If you don't want the rats in your house to end up dead (which is unlikely), you can use the multi-catch trap instead.
The only problem is you have to go somewhere else to set them free which means they can end up in somebody else's house or even yours again.
If you think there are a lot of rats in your house and you have had this problem for a long time now, you might consider calling a pest control service to eliminate the problem completely.