How to Set Up a Marine Corps Ball
- 1). Form a committee. Expect most of the planning to be done in the traditional way by Marine Corps spouses who start working on the event a year in advance. Follow another tradition by holding a fundraiser to help underwrite the ball. Prepare a list of tasks and responsibilities, including date selection, venue, menu, invitations, music and accommodations. Meet frequently to update committee members.
- 2). Speak with the wives of senior officers to learn about rituals that must be observed at the ball, including an appropriate master of ceremonies and guest speakers such as the head of the unit and honored guests.
- 3). Contact the base protocol office to request guidelines for staging the ball if the committee hasn't previously planned one. Ask for invitation writing and design guidelines and request camera-ready art of the Marine Corps logo. Ask about wording for a program and request a mailing list so envelopes can be addressed in advance.
- 4). Choose and book a venue as far in advance as possible if you're in a large city. Include on your list of venue-specific requests a ballroom, block of hotel rooms for attendees, VIP rooms for Marine brass and hospitality suites for parties and get-togethers. Meet with caterers to discuss menu options and request a birthday cake after the rooms are booked. Hire a photographer at least six months in advance.
- 5). Mail a "save the date" card to your guest list at least three months in advance to give everyone time to make flight, childcare, job leave and other arrangements. Include information on the block of rooms reserved in the name of the Marine Corps Ball so those wishing to make early reservations can do so. Advise the hotel booking agent about special billing arrangements for VIPs.
- 6). Mail invitations eight weeks in advance of the date. Follow Corps etiquette by adding the evening's dress code so guests know what they will be expected to wear. Begin selling tickets to the ball in October (another tradition).
- 7). Make final plans for the ceremonial aspects of the Marine Corps Ball, such as the cutting of the cake. Plan to follow tradition by giving the first slice to the oldest U.S. Marine present and the second slice to the youngest. Schedule the solemn reading of the Commandant's birthday message to guests and invite the base chaplain to give a benediction.
- 8). Wrap up your planning duties by decorating the ballroom with other volunteers and giving yourself plenty of time to get ready for the ball.