Can You Use a Blog As Your Only Web Site? Part II
On the other hand, one of the negative aspects associated with only having the blog website for your business rests in the fact that you necessarily will be limiting your promotional efforts on some level.
While it is very true that blogs have become extremely popular today, and you can use blogging as a means of attracting potential clients or customers, you must also understand that there definitely are people who will never - ever - read a blog.
And, in this group of people are individuals who otherwise might have an interest in the products or services that you offer through your Internet business enterprise.
Another downside to using only a blog website for your Internet business enterprise rests in the reality that there are occasions in which a blog can become controversial, even a blog that primarily has been dedicated to a business enterprise.
By definition, most blogs allow for some sort of interaction between the blogger and the readers.
In other words, like it or not, something could go strangely wrong at your blog due to the inherent nature of the blogging process itself.
If such a turn of events were to occur, and your only outlet for your Internet business was your blog website, you could end up in dire straits.
If your blogging efforts were in addition to and even independent of your main Internet business website, you would be able to contain the damage that might arise from such an unexpected and unhelpful situation.
Once again, the decision to use a blog website as your only business website requires thought and in depth consideration on your part.
You really need to analyze your own situation and that of your business enterprise to ascertain whether or not only having a blog website is the appropriate course for your own business enterprise on the Internet in this day and age.
While it is very true that blogs have become extremely popular today, and you can use blogging as a means of attracting potential clients or customers, you must also understand that there definitely are people who will never - ever - read a blog.
And, in this group of people are individuals who otherwise might have an interest in the products or services that you offer through your Internet business enterprise.
Another downside to using only a blog website for your Internet business enterprise rests in the reality that there are occasions in which a blog can become controversial, even a blog that primarily has been dedicated to a business enterprise.
By definition, most blogs allow for some sort of interaction between the blogger and the readers.
In other words, like it or not, something could go strangely wrong at your blog due to the inherent nature of the blogging process itself.
If such a turn of events were to occur, and your only outlet for your Internet business was your blog website, you could end up in dire straits.
If your blogging efforts were in addition to and even independent of your main Internet business website, you would be able to contain the damage that might arise from such an unexpected and unhelpful situation.
Once again, the decision to use a blog website as your only business website requires thought and in depth consideration on your part.
You really need to analyze your own situation and that of your business enterprise to ascertain whether or not only having a blog website is the appropriate course for your own business enterprise on the Internet in this day and age.