Introduction to Day Trading
- Scalping refers to the practice of buying a stock for a slightly higher price than the best offer, usually only tenths of a penny more, waiting for the price of the stock to rise slightly throughout the day, then selling the stock to make a small amount of money off of each stock sold.
- While the quick turnaround of stocks can create huge amounts of profit in a short period of time, it can also account for huge losses in the same period of time.
- This form of day trading banks on the notion that stocks that have been on the rise will continue to rise while stocks that are falling will also continue to do so.
- This strategy assumes the opposite of trend following and assumes that stocks that have been on the rise are on the verge of falling and stocks that are falling will soon begin to rise.
- News playing is a strategy in which a day trader will buy the stock of companies that have just announced good news and sell the stock of companies announcing bad news.
Trend Following
Contrarian Investing
News Playing