How to Get Your Tomboy Teenage Daughter to Dress Up For Christmas
Does your daughter spend most of her time in a ratty torn pair jeans and t-shirt? Is she a regular tomboy who wouldn't be caught dead in a dress and never or hardly ever wears makeup? Not every girl is into pink stuff or frilly clothes or dolls.
Some grew up in rough and tumble play with boys and are so used to dressing like the boys that they just aren't comfortable in dresses.
They prefer activities that are deemed more masculine and tend to shun girly stuff.
It could be due to family dynamics, the people she mixes with or she could just be wired that way.
It could well be a phase she might outgrow as she enters adulthood.
If her dressing embarrasses you, how about a compromise? At the end of the day, girls, tomboys or not, like to look good.
Some girls don't bother to dress up because they think they aren't pretty in the first place.
Or that they look ridiculous dolled up.
You could bribe her with a new Xbox just to get her to dress up for the holiday season.
Or you could get a wardrobe of new clothes that she actually likes.
Clothes she looks great in.
Outfits which gets her compliments from her friends when she wears them.
Sometimes, a girl who always wears pants, jeans or shorts feels that her friends might laugh at her if she shows up in a dress or a feminine skirt.
In this case, peer influence would help.
If she has female friends who wear feminine clothes, they would drool over her new wardrobe and convince her to wear some of these clothes.
Don't go for anything too drastic.
Go with the colors she is comfortable with.
Maybe one dress, some pretty tops, new jeans and shorts with accessories to dress them up a bit.
Pick the ones that she shows some glimmer of interest in.
If she loves outdoor activities or sports or rough and tumble play, she is likely to have a figure that would look amazing in the right clothes.
Well, get her those clothes.
Start with a 10-piece christmas capsule wardrobe [http://www.
html] for teens that will take her through fall and winter, from thanksgiving, to Christmas and the new year.
Some grew up in rough and tumble play with boys and are so used to dressing like the boys that they just aren't comfortable in dresses.
They prefer activities that are deemed more masculine and tend to shun girly stuff.
It could be due to family dynamics, the people she mixes with or she could just be wired that way.
It could well be a phase she might outgrow as she enters adulthood.
If her dressing embarrasses you, how about a compromise? At the end of the day, girls, tomboys or not, like to look good.
Some girls don't bother to dress up because they think they aren't pretty in the first place.
Or that they look ridiculous dolled up.
You could bribe her with a new Xbox just to get her to dress up for the holiday season.
Or you could get a wardrobe of new clothes that she actually likes.
Clothes she looks great in.
Outfits which gets her compliments from her friends when she wears them.
Sometimes, a girl who always wears pants, jeans or shorts feels that her friends might laugh at her if she shows up in a dress or a feminine skirt.
In this case, peer influence would help.
If she has female friends who wear feminine clothes, they would drool over her new wardrobe and convince her to wear some of these clothes.
Don't go for anything too drastic.
Go with the colors she is comfortable with.
Maybe one dress, some pretty tops, new jeans and shorts with accessories to dress them up a bit.
Pick the ones that she shows some glimmer of interest in.
If she loves outdoor activities or sports or rough and tumble play, she is likely to have a figure that would look amazing in the right clothes.
Well, get her those clothes.
Start with a 10-piece christmas capsule wardrobe [http://www.
html] for teens that will take her through fall and winter, from thanksgiving, to Christmas and the new year.