How to Be a Pin Up Girl for Halloween
- 1). Purchase your costume, preferably in bright, attention-grabbing colors. Go with a 1940s or 1950s-style bathing suit, a 1950s sweetheart-style halter dress with a full skirt that skims the knees or a short sailor style dress. There are a number of online retailers that cater to retro style pin-up clothing. Otherwise, pin-up styles occasionally come back into fashion, so you may be able to find a pin-up style dress or bathing suit at a mainstream retailer.
- 2). Paint your fingernails and toenails with a bright-colored nail polish that matches or complements the color of your bathing suit or dress. Wait for them to dry completely.
- 3). Put on a pair of nude stockings, preferably ones that have seams at the back. Put on high-heeled shoes -- the higher the better. Another option is high-heeled cork wedge shoes. Carefully put on your costume.
- 4). Do your hair using a curling iron to achieve soft waves. Sweep your hair up into an elegant up-do and pin it in place. If you don't feel comfortable achieving a cool 1940s or 1950s style on your own, another option is to bring in the professionals and get your hair done at a professional hair salon.
- 5). Do your makeup. Apply a base of foundation and generously seal it with matching face powder. Brush on eye shadow. Apply long black fake eyelashes. Brush a healthy amount of blush on the apples of your cheeks. Line your lips with lip liner and apply two coats of bright red lipstick.
Pin-Up Girl Costume