Funny Things to Say in a Thank You Note for a Gift Only
- When writing a humorous note to someone who gave you clothes, you'll want to make note of specifically what the person gave you. Perhaps you can say something about how you always knew you were a large or how blue was never your color. Maybe you can tell the giver that the gift would be great -- if you were 20 years older or younger. By highlighting the specific gift you received, you'll make the note more personal and it will mean more to the person receiving it.
- If the thank you note is coming from a child who recently received a toy, consider making a joke about how the item has already broken and you can't believe it has lasted so long. Also, consider telling the giver that you just love how the toy is just perfect for a boy, even though it was given to a girl, or vice versa. You can also tell the giver that the child will always be playing with the toy -- whenever the giver stops over.
- When thanking someone for giving you an appliance, try saying how much you loved the very personal gift and that is shows just how well the giver knows you. Tell the giver you can't wait for her to come over and enjoy some toast, some clean dishes or some freshly-made bread, depending on what the gift in question is. If the appliance involves cleaning, tell them you can't wait to start doing some more chores around the house with her wonderful gift.
- Whenever writing a funny thank you note, you'll want to consider your audience. The last thing you want is for your joke to be taken the wrong way and offend the person who just gave you a gift. Think about the person you're sending the thank you note to and his sense of humor. Will he pick up on sarcasm if you use that type of humor? Also consider putting "haha" or "just kidding" at the end of your card to let the person know you're just joking.
Thanks for Clothes
Thanks for Toys
Thanks for Household Gifts