Home Remedies for Pimples - Problem of Teenagers
The problem of pimples is common to most people in the world, and this is even more applicable in the case of teenagers. It has been scientifically researched and proven that a person's body goes through hormonal changes as he/she is entering the teenage years, and that the occurrence of pimples in these stages is quite normal. During teenage years, boys and girls start to develop their secondary sexual characteristics too because of the hormonal changes, and acne and related problems also is one such development, which fades out with time.
However, one must know that if you do not follow proper skin care tips when suffering from pimples, then the problem tends to stay forever. It is important to be aware of some home remedies for pimples, which will help you to reduce the occurrence of pimples, and will also save you from the embarrassment that you face because of them,
First and foremost, get into the habit of keeping your skin clean at all times. This is very important home remedies for pimples, so that the pores do not get clogged. You must know that clogged pores have accumulated dust and dirt, which is one of the main reasons for pimples. Make sure that you wash your face as many times as possible during a day. Soap or a cleanser is not required always. Even plain water helps.
Next, drink as much water as you can. At the same time, drink a lot of natural beverages such as coconut water, fresh fruit juices etc. This helps to keep the water content intact in your body, and flushes out the extra and unnecessary toxins, which can cause pimples. Also, it keeps your body cool, so that the internal body heat too does not cause pimples.
Most people suffer from pimples because of faulty diets. Include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to compensate for all the junk you eat. Also, try and reduce the amount of oily, salty and spicy food that you eat to keep your stomach clean and well functioning. This is very effective home remedies for pimples.
Putting curd/yoghurt on your face twice or thrice a week on your face, and letting it dry for about 15 minutes before washing it is good way to get rid of pimples. Also, you can get rose water and clean your face with it once or twice daily. After trying this home remedies for pimple, your pimples problem will be solved.
Make it a point to never touch, prick or play with your pimples, as they will cause permanent marks, and the infection too might spread causing more pimples. Take regular steam on your face so that the pimples can open up naturally and get cleaned.
Do not share your face towels, soaps and other products of personal hygiene with anyone to avoid the condition from worsening.
When taking and facial treatment in a beauty salon, ensure that it is a reputed one and that the products they use are of good quality. Also make sure that the equipment they use on your face is clean.
Whenever buying any facial product, try and go in for natural or herbal products instead of chemical based ones, as natural products are milder and have no risk of side effects.
However, one must know that if you do not follow proper skin care tips when suffering from pimples, then the problem tends to stay forever. It is important to be aware of some home remedies for pimples, which will help you to reduce the occurrence of pimples, and will also save you from the embarrassment that you face because of them,
First and foremost, get into the habit of keeping your skin clean at all times. This is very important home remedies for pimples, so that the pores do not get clogged. You must know that clogged pores have accumulated dust and dirt, which is one of the main reasons for pimples. Make sure that you wash your face as many times as possible during a day. Soap or a cleanser is not required always. Even plain water helps.
Next, drink as much water as you can. At the same time, drink a lot of natural beverages such as coconut water, fresh fruit juices etc. This helps to keep the water content intact in your body, and flushes out the extra and unnecessary toxins, which can cause pimples. Also, it keeps your body cool, so that the internal body heat too does not cause pimples.
Most people suffer from pimples because of faulty diets. Include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to compensate for all the junk you eat. Also, try and reduce the amount of oily, salty and spicy food that you eat to keep your stomach clean and well functioning. This is very effective home remedies for pimples.
Putting curd/yoghurt on your face twice or thrice a week on your face, and letting it dry for about 15 minutes before washing it is good way to get rid of pimples. Also, you can get rose water and clean your face with it once or twice daily. After trying this home remedies for pimple, your pimples problem will be solved.
Make it a point to never touch, prick or play with your pimples, as they will cause permanent marks, and the infection too might spread causing more pimples. Take regular steam on your face so that the pimples can open up naturally and get cleaned.
Do not share your face towels, soaps and other products of personal hygiene with anyone to avoid the condition from worsening.
When taking and facial treatment in a beauty salon, ensure that it is a reputed one and that the products they use are of good quality. Also make sure that the equipment they use on your face is clean.
Whenever buying any facial product, try and go in for natural or herbal products instead of chemical based ones, as natural products are milder and have no risk of side effects.