Self-Branding - 7 Strategies to Get You Noticed!
If you understand that your "product line" may change, but your character, reputation and self-awareness will be with you your whole life, then the journey becomes a test of your faith based on your belief system, rather than a hunt for something to sell.
Confidence not Stuff Self-Branding is about having confidence to do the best you can with what you have at the time, not about having what you think you need before having the confidence to do something.
It's about being at peace that you have done what you can do to create momentum while letting your destiny materialize, AND still trusting that the bills will get paid.
1) A 30 Second Sound-Bite Think about communicating in an elevator.
You have limited time to make a lasting impression.
If you speak from your heart about the other person, it will be memorable.
People are always most interested in themselves, so get your message to apply to them.
2) The Wrapping Paper Dressing for success is an outward presentation of your inward confidence of yourself.
The same goes for the presentation of your product.
For an example: I peresonally cancelled my monthly shipment of facial products from a well known company specifically because they changed the packaging which is what I enjoyed most when I received it.
They lost a residual income because they cut corners on my experience.
Dress and package for the presentation.
What might you be cutting corners in that is costing you money and customers? 3) Pulling From Memory The tobacco industry has perfected selling based on emotional association.
Remember a strong, handsome cowboy, and red and black? Even people that don't smoke know their brand because they associate their product with good feelings and the "Myth of the West".
How does your product piggyback off of an existing association of a product or service? 4) The Color Counts Have you ever been to a really professional MLM presentation? Did you notice the circles and figures they drew on the board were colored? Did you notice they used green for money, blue for action, black for facts, and they didn't use a red pen? Why? Because, red is for danger, fire, stop lights and overdrafts.
What color fits your brand and logo? How is your product or service associated with a memorable color, a pleasing smell, a lovely feeling, a valuable memory? 5) Leaving Lasting Impression.
Your product has to leave a lasting impression and will likely do it over several 'impressions', meaning that any marketing you do has to be repeated nearly 10 times before the recipient will 'Get It".
The advertising progression works like this: 1) Yeah right! (skepticism) 2) There it is again! 3) That ad is everywhere! 4) It's still here? 5) Somebody must like it 6) Wow, it's getting popular 7) I ought to think about it 8) That's a successful product 9) Maybe it will work for me 10) Where can I get some? 6) Word of Mouth There is nothing like self-inflated marketing.
You might have gotten emails about dancing babies, funny pictures, cute stories and the like.
That's why having an eletter or e-zine that others can forward on your behalf helps spread the word on what you have to offer.
7) What's in a Name? Your product and company name is vital.
When choosing a name, list as many variations of 'keywords' that you want your prospect to recall.
The easier it is for them to associate the name to your product, especially if it brings up emotionally rich images they already have fond feelings for, the closer to a customer they are.
How can you use the power of word-of-mouth to bring awareness to your offer?
Confidence not Stuff Self-Branding is about having confidence to do the best you can with what you have at the time, not about having what you think you need before having the confidence to do something.
It's about being at peace that you have done what you can do to create momentum while letting your destiny materialize, AND still trusting that the bills will get paid.
1) A 30 Second Sound-Bite Think about communicating in an elevator.
You have limited time to make a lasting impression.
If you speak from your heart about the other person, it will be memorable.
People are always most interested in themselves, so get your message to apply to them.
2) The Wrapping Paper Dressing for success is an outward presentation of your inward confidence of yourself.
The same goes for the presentation of your product.
For an example: I peresonally cancelled my monthly shipment of facial products from a well known company specifically because they changed the packaging which is what I enjoyed most when I received it.
They lost a residual income because they cut corners on my experience.
Dress and package for the presentation.
What might you be cutting corners in that is costing you money and customers? 3) Pulling From Memory The tobacco industry has perfected selling based on emotional association.
Remember a strong, handsome cowboy, and red and black? Even people that don't smoke know their brand because they associate their product with good feelings and the "Myth of the West".
How does your product piggyback off of an existing association of a product or service? 4) The Color Counts Have you ever been to a really professional MLM presentation? Did you notice the circles and figures they drew on the board were colored? Did you notice they used green for money, blue for action, black for facts, and they didn't use a red pen? Why? Because, red is for danger, fire, stop lights and overdrafts.
What color fits your brand and logo? How is your product or service associated with a memorable color, a pleasing smell, a lovely feeling, a valuable memory? 5) Leaving Lasting Impression.
Your product has to leave a lasting impression and will likely do it over several 'impressions', meaning that any marketing you do has to be repeated nearly 10 times before the recipient will 'Get It".
The advertising progression works like this: 1) Yeah right! (skepticism) 2) There it is again! 3) That ad is everywhere! 4) It's still here? 5) Somebody must like it 6) Wow, it's getting popular 7) I ought to think about it 8) That's a successful product 9) Maybe it will work for me 10) Where can I get some? 6) Word of Mouth There is nothing like self-inflated marketing.
You might have gotten emails about dancing babies, funny pictures, cute stories and the like.
That's why having an eletter or e-zine that others can forward on your behalf helps spread the word on what you have to offer.
7) What's in a Name? Your product and company name is vital.
When choosing a name, list as many variations of 'keywords' that you want your prospect to recall.
The easier it is for them to associate the name to your product, especially if it brings up emotionally rich images they already have fond feelings for, the closer to a customer they are.
How can you use the power of word-of-mouth to bring awareness to your offer?