How to Clean the Perimeter of a Drain
- 1). Scrub your sink and drain with soap and water using a nylon bristle brush. Rinse well. This will give you a clean sink to start with.
- 2). Spray the sink and drain with 100 percent white vinegar. Vinegar will kill bacteria and reduce stains. Scrub around the drain area well. Use a silicone scraper to scrape away any accumulation next to the drain. A silicone scraper will not damage the sink. Rinse the sink well to remove all of the vinegar.
- 3). Mix sodium percarbonate (oxygen bleach) in a disposable bowl following the manufacturer's recommendations. The mixture will dissolve in water. Soak rags in the mixture and drape the rags around your sink so that they touch all stained areas. Soak your last rag and press it firmly around the top and edges of the drain. Allow the mixture to sit in your sink for 15 minutes.
- 4). Remove your rags and rinse them thoroughly. Scrub around the perimeter of the drain with the nylon bristle brush to remove any remaining stains while the mixture is still present in the sink. If necessary, soak a rag and make the drain area very moist while you scrub.
- 5). Rinse with tap water and then immediately rinse with distilled water until you have removed all residue of the mixture. Dry your sink and drain completely to remove all water and mineral spotting.