Singing Courses - Which Ones Have the X Factor?
With the costs of conventional singing lessons going through the roof, coupled with the economic downturn we are in currently, more and more vocalists are turning away from live coaching, and going the route of using online singing coach software.
But, is that a good idea? As a singer myself, I have been intrigued at what is available in the marketplace in these high-tech days in the way of coaching software.
This article is some of what I have found: When I downloaded my "Singorama 2.
02" software bundle - my initial reaction was "wow!" I was amazed at just how much material was there for the relatively low price.
It is a big download! There are 2 books,well put together.
and very comprehensive.
There is stuff there that I have never seen anywhere else--totally unique.
That impressed me immediately.
As well as the usual vocal techniques warm-up exercises, pitching and how to care for your voice, there are things like microphone technique-how to take an audition successfully, overcoming stage fright (a big one this) personalising a song to make it uniquely your own, stage presence & command of your audience.
Great stuff.
There was one segment of the course that I really loved--hints on how to sing with a band (not as easy as some think) since my very first professional gig was singing with the late Bob Carter Big Band years ago! I wish I had known then what I know now! Believe me, it is an art.
those were the days.
This course is eminently practical.
It is down to earth - no frills, no fluff no filler material that will give you a tremendous grounding in your chosen profession.
I also fell in love with the nifty little desktop recording studio software you get also-that allows you to rehearse, check your pitch, and even record yourself for assessment from HQ if you so desire.
You simply email the sound-clip as an attachment.
Easy! To top it all, they throw in bonuses such as "Jayde Musica Pro" a game for all the family which is structured to teach you how to read music-an invaluable gift and one I wish I had acquired in my day.
It opens so many doors, session singing work for example.
The e-book that accompanies, is entitled "The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Reading Music.
" Well--I think I will study that...
it is never too late to learn, as they say! Another bonus is "Perfect Your Pitch Pro", which - as the name implies helps you do just that.
Most people are able with a bit of practice, to get their pitch recognition pretty spot-on with the help of this neat software programme - from every note scaled on the "mini-online piano supplied.
It only takes a few days usually to become pitch perfect.
Remember, when it comes to singing...
pitch is King! Just one more item worth noting, is The "Singorama" e-mail consultancy line.
Personal after sales service is rare these days, so it is yet another very valuable aspect of this superb course.
In conclusion then- we are not into giving out "stars" - (we will leave that to the kindergarten teachers) but if we were, "Singorama" would rate a gold.
Enough said.
They have a special limited time offer at the time of writing,so check it out, and their freebies too.
The link is below.
But, is that a good idea? As a singer myself, I have been intrigued at what is available in the marketplace in these high-tech days in the way of coaching software.
This article is some of what I have found: When I downloaded my "Singorama 2.
02" software bundle - my initial reaction was "wow!" I was amazed at just how much material was there for the relatively low price.
It is a big download! There are 2 books,well put together.
and very comprehensive.
There is stuff there that I have never seen anywhere else--totally unique.
That impressed me immediately.
As well as the usual vocal techniques warm-up exercises, pitching and how to care for your voice, there are things like microphone technique-how to take an audition successfully, overcoming stage fright (a big one this) personalising a song to make it uniquely your own, stage presence & command of your audience.
Great stuff.
There was one segment of the course that I really loved--hints on how to sing with a band (not as easy as some think) since my very first professional gig was singing with the late Bob Carter Big Band years ago! I wish I had known then what I know now! Believe me, it is an art.
those were the days.
This course is eminently practical.
It is down to earth - no frills, no fluff no filler material that will give you a tremendous grounding in your chosen profession.
I also fell in love with the nifty little desktop recording studio software you get also-that allows you to rehearse, check your pitch, and even record yourself for assessment from HQ if you so desire.
You simply email the sound-clip as an attachment.
Easy! To top it all, they throw in bonuses such as "Jayde Musica Pro" a game for all the family which is structured to teach you how to read music-an invaluable gift and one I wish I had acquired in my day.
It opens so many doors, session singing work for example.
The e-book that accompanies, is entitled "The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Reading Music.
" Well--I think I will study that...
it is never too late to learn, as they say! Another bonus is "Perfect Your Pitch Pro", which - as the name implies helps you do just that.
Most people are able with a bit of practice, to get their pitch recognition pretty spot-on with the help of this neat software programme - from every note scaled on the "mini-online piano supplied.
It only takes a few days usually to become pitch perfect.
Remember, when it comes to singing...
pitch is King! Just one more item worth noting, is The "Singorama" e-mail consultancy line.
Personal after sales service is rare these days, so it is yet another very valuable aspect of this superb course.
In conclusion then- we are not into giving out "stars" - (we will leave that to the kindergarten teachers) but if we were, "Singorama" would rate a gold.
Enough said.
They have a special limited time offer at the time of writing,so check it out, and their freebies too.
The link is below.