Duck Hunting in Rockport, Texas
- in order to hunt for ducks in Rockport, all individuals must obtain a Hunting License and Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp, which is available for purchase online from the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife. For non-resident mallard duck hunters in Rockport, a Type 20 Non-Resident Banded Bird Hunting Permit is required.
- Seasons for duck-hunting in Rockport's South Zone are set annually by the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife in the fall, which publishes the information online in the 2010 Waterfowl Digest. The bag limit for ducks, which applies to every day of the season after day five, is six ducks per day, with no more than five mallards, two hens, two scaup, three wood ducks, two redheads, one pintail, one canvasback and one dusky duck.
- Teal ducks, which include blue-winged, green-winged and cinnamon teal, may only be hunted in Rockport from September 11 through September 26, as of the 2010 through 2011 hunting season. The bag limit per hunter, per day is four teal.
Hunting Licenses and Permits
Bag Limits and Seasons
Teal Duck Hunting