Do You Judge People Before You Know Them?
Everyone has prejudged people at one time or another in their lives.
It is a common occurrence and it goes on day in and day out.
Everyone is a product of their environment and more often than not, do not even realize that they themselves do this very thing.
I bet I can show you a few observations that you are guilty of and do not even realize that you are one of the people that allow it to happen to themselves.
The first example I want to demonstrate to you is the fact that you think all wealthy people are evil or commit more sins than people who are not wealthy.
I want you to think about television and movies in general.
I want you to run down the list of all the wealthy people in movies off the top of your head.
In movie after movie the person with the money is the evil bad guy with plans to steal the land or take the widow's ranch.
The opposite also holds true when observing the lead character.
Spiderman was poor and he was a good guy.
Batman was rich and good but he is considered a psychopath.
It is always the rich person's dream to take over the world and enslave everyone else.
In the world of the silver screen if there is a wealthy person in the cast, then he is more than likely the evil doer.
Even if you take this concept to the small screen, television, it still works.
Even on Gilligan's Island Mr.
Howell was the bad guy out to just make more money.
Jed Clampett was wealthy but the good things he did were either portrayed as silly, ignorant or just plain naive.
On the Dukes Of Hazard Boss Hoggs was the one with the money and was dumb and evil.
Sure you can find exceptions to this "rule" but more often than not, the one with the pile of money is as evil as Lex Luthor on Superman.
Are you sure you do not associate wealthy people with being evil? Another situation when you prejudge a person is if they do not correctly speak the English language.
If you meet a person who speaks English poorly you will judge them even more severely.
The judgment I speak of is that all too often when a person speaks broken English and stammers and stutters with his words, the average individual attests this struggle with being stupid.
All too often as a person struggles to find the words in English they are considered dumb.
One point that most of the "jury" overlooks in the declaration of this verdict is that this person stumbling through the correct connection of verbs and nouns is speaking a second or maybe even a third language.
English is considered to be one of the most difficult languages to learn and here is a person attempting to learn it as a second language.
Even with this being a second language many will landmark this person as being stupid.
This individual who cannot string together nouns correctly in English may be a scientist in their homeland and yet they are judged as "dumb" because their English is broken.
Are you sure you do not prejudge people who are learning a second language? Another situation is meeting people who are overweight.
The heavier a person is the more "skinny" people avoid them.
When overweight people are out in the world they receive stares and insults as if they wear an X on their back.
Children are savage in this aspect.
If there is an overweight person in school they are ridiculed and taunted and even hated by their peers.
Living the life of an over weight person is one where the joy is stolen at an early age and it is replaced with missing self esteem.
Over weight people are not loved for who they are and more often than not ridiculed and even avoided by those who are not over weight.
How many movies have you seen where the beautiful woman had a girlfriend with low self esteem and was overweight? Rich and evil...
immigrant and low IQ...
overweight and lazy?Are these assumptions you make on a daily basis and do not realize that you do this?All too often people rush to judge those they do not know.
All too often the world is revolving so fast that they are lost in the shuffle of misconception.
We should all learn to give other people a chance.
So the next time you speak to someone in broken English stop and help them with their struggle of the language barrier.
Look them in their eyes and see the person that resides within.
The next time you see an over weight person do not look away in disgust.
Greet their eyes and smile at them.
Look into their face and you may see their soul and that soul may light the spirit of compassion in your heart.
Overweight people are just people and they need compassion like everyone else on this planet.
Do not prejudge because that judgment is more than likely wrong.
It is a common occurrence and it goes on day in and day out.
Everyone is a product of their environment and more often than not, do not even realize that they themselves do this very thing.
I bet I can show you a few observations that you are guilty of and do not even realize that you are one of the people that allow it to happen to themselves.
The first example I want to demonstrate to you is the fact that you think all wealthy people are evil or commit more sins than people who are not wealthy.
I want you to think about television and movies in general.
I want you to run down the list of all the wealthy people in movies off the top of your head.
In movie after movie the person with the money is the evil bad guy with plans to steal the land or take the widow's ranch.
The opposite also holds true when observing the lead character.
Spiderman was poor and he was a good guy.
Batman was rich and good but he is considered a psychopath.
It is always the rich person's dream to take over the world and enslave everyone else.
In the world of the silver screen if there is a wealthy person in the cast, then he is more than likely the evil doer.
Even if you take this concept to the small screen, television, it still works.
Even on Gilligan's Island Mr.
Howell was the bad guy out to just make more money.
Jed Clampett was wealthy but the good things he did were either portrayed as silly, ignorant or just plain naive.
On the Dukes Of Hazard Boss Hoggs was the one with the money and was dumb and evil.
Sure you can find exceptions to this "rule" but more often than not, the one with the pile of money is as evil as Lex Luthor on Superman.
Are you sure you do not associate wealthy people with being evil? Another situation when you prejudge a person is if they do not correctly speak the English language.
If you meet a person who speaks English poorly you will judge them even more severely.
The judgment I speak of is that all too often when a person speaks broken English and stammers and stutters with his words, the average individual attests this struggle with being stupid.
All too often as a person struggles to find the words in English they are considered dumb.
One point that most of the "jury" overlooks in the declaration of this verdict is that this person stumbling through the correct connection of verbs and nouns is speaking a second or maybe even a third language.
English is considered to be one of the most difficult languages to learn and here is a person attempting to learn it as a second language.
Even with this being a second language many will landmark this person as being stupid.
This individual who cannot string together nouns correctly in English may be a scientist in their homeland and yet they are judged as "dumb" because their English is broken.
Are you sure you do not prejudge people who are learning a second language? Another situation is meeting people who are overweight.
The heavier a person is the more "skinny" people avoid them.
When overweight people are out in the world they receive stares and insults as if they wear an X on their back.
Children are savage in this aspect.
If there is an overweight person in school they are ridiculed and taunted and even hated by their peers.
Living the life of an over weight person is one where the joy is stolen at an early age and it is replaced with missing self esteem.
Over weight people are not loved for who they are and more often than not ridiculed and even avoided by those who are not over weight.
How many movies have you seen where the beautiful woman had a girlfriend with low self esteem and was overweight? Rich and evil...
immigrant and low IQ...
overweight and lazy?Are these assumptions you make on a daily basis and do not realize that you do this?All too often people rush to judge those they do not know.
All too often the world is revolving so fast that they are lost in the shuffle of misconception.
We should all learn to give other people a chance.
So the next time you speak to someone in broken English stop and help them with their struggle of the language barrier.
Look them in their eyes and see the person that resides within.
The next time you see an over weight person do not look away in disgust.
Greet their eyes and smile at them.
Look into their face and you may see their soul and that soul may light the spirit of compassion in your heart.
Overweight people are just people and they need compassion like everyone else on this planet.
Do not prejudge because that judgment is more than likely wrong.