Causes Of Hair Loss In Women Over 40 - The Big Three!
News flash! The causes of hair loss in women over 40 are as assorted as they are devastating. But as I believe very strongly in gaining a clear-cut description of the issue in order to resolve it most completely, I've been able to concentrate this oversized list of causes into three key groups. I hope this helps!
Causes Of Hair Loss In Women Over 40 - The Big Three:
So there you have them. The top three causes of hair loss in women over 40.
All in all, the dilemma of females's hair loss doesn't seem to be fading away any time soon. In fact, the converse is true. It's getting worse, and the numbers are nothing short of frightening.
As many as 1 in every 3 women experience some form of hair loss. This ratio leaps to 1 in 2 for females over 40... yes, half! And by the time a woman reaches the age of 65, she is probable to be one of the 75% who are going bald. This is absolutely mind-blowing!
Causes Of Hair Loss In Women Over 40 - The Big Three:
- Genetics. This is widely called androgenetic alopecia, or female pattern baldness. This ensues as a result of enzymes inside your body coming in contact with extra testosterone (that's right, females have it, too!) and forging it into the appalling hormone referred to as dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. DHT is the number one cause of ALL hair loss for both men and women. This atrocious hormone leeches onto your hair follicles, leaving them helpless to soak up nutrients from your blood supply. As a result, your hair gets thinner... and thinner... and thinner, until it subsequently dies and vanishes altogether. Basically, DHT suffocates your hair follicles to death!
- Another of the causes of hair loss in women over 40 is hormonal imbalance. This is quite typical in ladies who are expectant, have just delivered a baby, or have just sustained menopause. Hormonal imbalance can also occur in both gentlemen and ladies who have suffered through any kind of agony (physical or emotional), surgery, or who suffer from any kind of thyroid dysfunction.
- Nutritional Deficiencies. The main offenders here are protein, iron, b-vitamins, magnesium, and zinc. There is a powerful parallel between adequate supplies of these food and the vibrancy of your hair. Again, thyroid problems may be culpable here, but more conceivable is that healthy lifestyle habits are not being carried out. Look into the study of pH balance, i.e. alkaline vs. acid in your blood stream. This art in and of itself can pave the way for maximum health of your entire body, hair included.
So there you have them. The top three causes of hair loss in women over 40.
All in all, the dilemma of females's hair loss doesn't seem to be fading away any time soon. In fact, the converse is true. It's getting worse, and the numbers are nothing short of frightening.
As many as 1 in every 3 women experience some form of hair loss. This ratio leaps to 1 in 2 for females over 40... yes, half! And by the time a woman reaches the age of 65, she is probable to be one of the 75% who are going bald. This is absolutely mind-blowing!