How to Write an Authorization Letter
- 1). Determine the type of authorization that is required. Is the authorization intended to allow access to various files, systems or other resources of the company? Perhaps the authorization is intended to convey temporary authority to act in a position until something more permanent is arranged. Defining the purpose and scope of the authorization will help make drafting the content of the letter much easier.
- 2). Secure the name and address of the party who is to receive the letter of authorization. While considered a given in years past, this is a step that is sometimes overlooked in more casual business establishments. A proper letter of authorization is always addressed to a specific individual who is has the authority to recognize and implement the provisions outlined in the text of the letter.
- 3). Obtain the proper name and some type of qualifying identification information of the individual who is being granted special authorization. The use of the proper name, rather than a nickname or shortened version of the proper name, will be necessary if the authorization letter requires notarizing as part of the process. The identification information may be an employee number, Social Security Number, or other form of identification that will ensure the recipient that the individual named in the letter is the same person who is granted the privileges or rights mentioned in the text.
- 4). Write the body of the letter. In the first paragraph, identify the person who is to be granted authorization along with a general description of the types of resources or abilities being granted. In the next couple of paragraphs, specify the range or scope of the authorization, including any auxiliary authorizations that may not be readily apparent or related to the main purpose. In the final paragraph, specify the duration of the authorization with a date range. If the period of authorization is indefinite, specify the beginning date and that the authorization will remain in effect until further notice.
- 5). Close with information regarding the ability of the issuing party to assign authority of this nature. This can be something as simple as including the company title of the party, such as president, or head of a department. The use of the title serves as proof that the issuer of the letter can in fact extend these types of rights or privileges to the recipient.