How to Annotate a Reading Passage
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A man thinking about what he is readingJohn Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Read the first few sentences of the text. Stop if you do not understand a word or idea. Reread or look up a word's meaning in the dictionary before continuing. If you don't understand the material you are reading, you may not be able to identify whether or not the idea is important. - 2
Circling important ideasCreatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images
Underline, circle or highlight any words or ideas that seem important. - 3
A person's notes on a pageJupiterimages/ Images
Write your own ideas, questions or connections to the words and ideas you are highlighting as you read. Write these things in the margins next to the original text or draw arrows. Otten also suggests using such "marginalia," which can include stars or brackets. Ensure you understand the marking pattern you decide to use; this way, when you reference the text later, it will be understandable.