Close DVLA Down
This was a part of a discussion document sent to all m.p's in the House Of Commons some time ago that got replies in a favourable mode for the introduction of this proposal.
Way back in history - before a lot of people can remember - it was decided to close down local driver licensing offices throughout every town and city in the UK - to save costs - and build a super efficient department at DVLA at Swansea who would handle all car registrations and driving licenses by post.
I propose we now save on costs once again - and close DVLA Swansea for good.
It is a 'white elephant' costing a fortune with one tower block of offices costing the taxpayers 100 million to build, the rest of their offices and land is extensive and at auction would fetch an absolute fortune to the treasury.
The remoteness of DVLA at Swansea, taking so long for a turnaround of documentation is against it's future viability and usefulness to the motoring community.
Most of the documentation is already handled by our local post offices and my proposal is to extend that to ALL documentation. After all our local post offices are nearer than Swansea and the amount of documents that goes missing in the post or is mislaid in DVLA is enormous. People see their local p.o. as far more 'user friendly' than DVLA will ever be.
There was a rumour that the government were going to sell off our post offices to private companies.
Most people I have spoken to would agree a privatised post office would be good for Britain as well as a user friendly place for ALL their DVLA business.
A sidenote:-
Most people I have mentioned the selling off of the post office have said they would want to buy shares in their post office! So it would seem the post office shares would be over-subscribed and not only that it shows the high regard the British people give to their post office. So why do we put up with the shoddy service we get from DVLA? It's time to change it now.
I have now entered it up as an e-petition on the governments own website and all it needs is 100,000 votes from the general public to have a debate on it in parliament:-
Way back in history - before a lot of people can remember - it was decided to close down local driver licensing offices throughout every town and city in the UK - to save costs - and build a super efficient department at DVLA at Swansea who would handle all car registrations and driving licenses by post.
I propose we now save on costs once again - and close DVLA Swansea for good.
It is a 'white elephant' costing a fortune with one tower block of offices costing the taxpayers 100 million to build, the rest of their offices and land is extensive and at auction would fetch an absolute fortune to the treasury.
The remoteness of DVLA at Swansea, taking so long for a turnaround of documentation is against it's future viability and usefulness to the motoring community.
Most of the documentation is already handled by our local post offices and my proposal is to extend that to ALL documentation. After all our local post offices are nearer than Swansea and the amount of documents that goes missing in the post or is mislaid in DVLA is enormous. People see their local p.o. as far more 'user friendly' than DVLA will ever be.
There was a rumour that the government were going to sell off our post offices to private companies.
Most people I have spoken to would agree a privatised post office would be good for Britain as well as a user friendly place for ALL their DVLA business.
A sidenote:-
Most people I have mentioned the selling off of the post office have said they would want to buy shares in their post office! So it would seem the post office shares would be over-subscribed and not only that it shows the high regard the British people give to their post office. So why do we put up with the shoddy service we get from DVLA? It's time to change it now.
I have now entered it up as an e-petition on the governments own website and all it needs is 100,000 votes from the general public to have a debate on it in parliament:-