Guide for Baby Proofing Your House
- Babies spend a great deal of their time sleeping in the nursery. Keep them safe by avoiding soft bedding that might suffocate them and making sure that crib slats are 2 3/8 inches apart or less so that a baby's head can't get trapped. Keep balls and other small toys away from the crib to help prevent choking. Remove crib toys like mobiles and gyms when the baby is 5 months old or is able to push herself up on her hands and knees.
Never place a crib near a window where the child can be strangled by a chain or blind cord. Ensure that the changing table is sturdy, with 2-inch guardrails on all sides. Organize changing supplies so that they're within easy reach and you don't have to turn your back on the baby. Use a toy chest with no lid or with one with supports to hold the lid open. - Tie up or tape down long electrical cords and put safety plugs in outlets. Cushion hard edges and sharp corners of furniture and anchor down any unsteady pieces of furniture. Check the floors on a continuous basis for small objects that the baby might swallow, such as buttons, coins or beads.
- Store household cleansers in a high cabinet. If you must keep them under the sink, use a childproof lock on the cabinet door. Avoid heating baby bottles in the microwave oven, as it heats liquid unevenly, which could scald him as he drinks. Always use restraining straps around the baby's waist and between his legs to keep him from slipping out of his high chair. Mount a fire extinguisher in a conspicuous place.
- Install no-slip strips in the tub and never leave your child unattended, even if she's sitting in a bath ring. Put lid locks on all toilets and keep lids closed to prevent drowning. Unplug electrical appliances when they're not in use and store them out of reach. Make sure all medicines have child-proof caps and are stored away in the medicine cabinet. Finally, set your water heater to a maximum of 120 degrees Fahrenheit to help prevent scalding.
- Keep all tools and chemicals, including paints and varnishes, out of reach. Storage areas need to be locked to keep curious youngsters away from the contents. Unplug power tools after use and store them away in a high cabinet. Make sure that your automatic garage doors reverse upon contact with an object rather than continuing to close. If they don't, replace them with a model that does.
Living Room