Affluent Blogging Tricks for the MLM Professional
It's always a fitting thought to start your day with some honest blog tips that can help you increase your conversions with your network marketing company. I wrote €Successful Blogging Tips for the Network Marketer' with you in mind.
In this blog post, you're going to learn some important things that work for me and will work for you as well as your mlm blog.
Blogging for Content, Not Google Points
It's true what they say: €Content is King€. Don't fret so much about the construction of your blog at the outset. You can have a fascinating blog but it will not mean a damn thing if you don't have content on it. I might even take a crack at saying that you shouldn't even put pen to paper for Google (writing for SEO) and preferably start writing for your community. Quite a few people may contend with this account as it is counter intuitive as far as SEO is concerned. After all, you want your blog to have supremacy on Google right?
Look€¦ Here's the thing. You can take a quick look out there on the web and find a bunch of mlm blogs that have become so saturated with key words that it just seems and feels bizarre.
When you write for your readers and they get that there's a real person behind all those pixels on their screen, and they're gaining an immense amount of worth, they will share your content with their friends and the search engines will grasp that your blog posts are correspondent (what a long sentence!). This is what ranks your blog. Absolutely, keywords do mean something, but social media is beginning to have a much bigger influence now. That's another subject for another day, though.
To Post, Or Not to Post? That is the Issue€¦
Constancy is one of the key stipulations that pose to be one of the greatest blogging tips you will come across. Once you've sold yourself on the clear fact that content on your website is important, you might want to investigate how often one should post.
Heaps of people have different posting rhythms. You might find it acceptable for you to only publish 3 blog posts per week. It's been my experience that roughly one blog post per day makes for the best with the search engines but you don't want to burn yourself out if that's too much for you.
Remember: Blogging is supposed to be fun. If you're not having a good time and you're burning yourself out then you're doing something wrong.
One thing you could do is to set aside a time so you can take a close look at your everyday agenda. What does it look like? How much time can you realistically set aside for writing blog posts?
Publishing posts is not the only thing that comes along with occupying a network marketing website (and all other websites for that matter), you have to figure in social media marketing, commenting on other blogs, answering to comments on your blog, and the list goes on. Determine your goals and make sure your level of engagement matches that.
I Ain't sticking around for this!
How many times have you or someone you know have gone to a website and found the information there to be subpar? Maybe the writing wasn't intriguing enough for you or just completely inapplicable. One of my greatest gripes with many a blogger today is the lack of quality they put out into the market. I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not perfect and I possible may have been guilty of this in the past, but at least I make a conscious endeavor to add worth to my readers.
I wake up every morning with a smile on my face because I know people have read my humble blog and gained value. Can I say that this is true for every visitor? No, but it is something I regularly try to touch up on.
I can't wait for people to land on my website and soak up all the advice I have to offer. I know people will benefit from this and that's what drives me to provide valuable news. Embrace this kind of mindset and it's likely you'll see an overall enrichment on your blog.
The Bribe
One concluding thing: Have an opt in form! Or how the heck are you likely to get leads? Everything stated above falls on this one thing. Provide consistent and valuable content, and people will organically arrive to your mlm blog. Doing this ensures you get qualified and targeted leads.
You should always provide something of great quality.
An eBook detailing how you went from €Zero to Hero' or an audio you recorded on X amount of steps to €whatever area you're going to lead people to success'. If you truly like your readers, your community, your future joint venture partners€¦ Then coming up with an awesome, ethical bribe shouldn't be a problem. Take that ethical bribe and offer it to your readers for their name and email. If it's high quality, then it's not an issue.
How's that for some successful blogging tips?
In this blog post, you're going to learn some important things that work for me and will work for you as well as your mlm blog.
Blogging for Content, Not Google Points
It's true what they say: €Content is King€. Don't fret so much about the construction of your blog at the outset. You can have a fascinating blog but it will not mean a damn thing if you don't have content on it. I might even take a crack at saying that you shouldn't even put pen to paper for Google (writing for SEO) and preferably start writing for your community. Quite a few people may contend with this account as it is counter intuitive as far as SEO is concerned. After all, you want your blog to have supremacy on Google right?
Look€¦ Here's the thing. You can take a quick look out there on the web and find a bunch of mlm blogs that have become so saturated with key words that it just seems and feels bizarre.
When you write for your readers and they get that there's a real person behind all those pixels on their screen, and they're gaining an immense amount of worth, they will share your content with their friends and the search engines will grasp that your blog posts are correspondent (what a long sentence!). This is what ranks your blog. Absolutely, keywords do mean something, but social media is beginning to have a much bigger influence now. That's another subject for another day, though.
To Post, Or Not to Post? That is the Issue€¦
Constancy is one of the key stipulations that pose to be one of the greatest blogging tips you will come across. Once you've sold yourself on the clear fact that content on your website is important, you might want to investigate how often one should post.
Heaps of people have different posting rhythms. You might find it acceptable for you to only publish 3 blog posts per week. It's been my experience that roughly one blog post per day makes for the best with the search engines but you don't want to burn yourself out if that's too much for you.
Remember: Blogging is supposed to be fun. If you're not having a good time and you're burning yourself out then you're doing something wrong.
One thing you could do is to set aside a time so you can take a close look at your everyday agenda. What does it look like? How much time can you realistically set aside for writing blog posts?
Publishing posts is not the only thing that comes along with occupying a network marketing website (and all other websites for that matter), you have to figure in social media marketing, commenting on other blogs, answering to comments on your blog, and the list goes on. Determine your goals and make sure your level of engagement matches that.
I Ain't sticking around for this!
How many times have you or someone you know have gone to a website and found the information there to be subpar? Maybe the writing wasn't intriguing enough for you or just completely inapplicable. One of my greatest gripes with many a blogger today is the lack of quality they put out into the market. I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not perfect and I possible may have been guilty of this in the past, but at least I make a conscious endeavor to add worth to my readers.
I wake up every morning with a smile on my face because I know people have read my humble blog and gained value. Can I say that this is true for every visitor? No, but it is something I regularly try to touch up on.
I can't wait for people to land on my website and soak up all the advice I have to offer. I know people will benefit from this and that's what drives me to provide valuable news. Embrace this kind of mindset and it's likely you'll see an overall enrichment on your blog.
The Bribe
One concluding thing: Have an opt in form! Or how the heck are you likely to get leads? Everything stated above falls on this one thing. Provide consistent and valuable content, and people will organically arrive to your mlm blog. Doing this ensures you get qualified and targeted leads.
You should always provide something of great quality.
An eBook detailing how you went from €Zero to Hero' or an audio you recorded on X amount of steps to €whatever area you're going to lead people to success'. If you truly like your readers, your community, your future joint venture partners€¦ Then coming up with an awesome, ethical bribe shouldn't be a problem. Take that ethical bribe and offer it to your readers for their name and email. If it's high quality, then it's not an issue.
How's that for some successful blogging tips?