Finished College! Now, What Do I Do?
Okay, you dotted and crossed your letters.
You have paid your dues.
You have your newly earned degree in your hands.
Your family and friends are proud of you.
You think you have a picture perfect attitude.
You are reasonably healthy and sane.
But you earnestly need this question answered in a hurry because you are either looking for a job, that car, or are on the first plane out of wherever you are.
Maybe you will fly to a foreign land because you may need a break from it all.
If you want to be a die heart professional, then you already know your next step.
You either have to go to medical or dental school, law school or someplace where you can get a higher degree of some kind in that major you think you are absolutely sure about, isn't that right? For those who are on the fence and truly need help, take a number and wait in line.
Here is your reality check.
You have spent four or more years at college.
You have a degree that states your major.
Hopefully, you will take a step back and take a nice deep breath and start doing your homework in this field of interest.
Because of your indecision right now, whoever paid for this trek down college lane isn't a very happy camper.
So, do not tell anyone that has a vested interest in your future that you do not know what to do next, okay? Now, no more holding of hands, or dueling pencils.
This is what you do.
Get away.
If you can not to that, then lock yourself in your room for a few hours, or entire day and go within yourself and find out what makes you tick.
Start by asking yourself questions.
Here are a few questions to ask.
Who am I? What do I want? What's my mission in life? How can I become successful? What is the right path for me? How can I become wealthy? Ask those questions in a calm and gentle way.
Do some self-talk and do not be afraid because all is well.
When you reach out to the Intelligence all is well.
When you routinely ask the right questions things begin to happen.
Try it! What do you have to lose? Asking is one of the first steps to knowledge.
You need quality time now and you need quality advice, so leave those friends alone.
Success is a jealous master.
Remember, the answers will come shortly and they will come in different shades, colors and through animals, people and objects.
The key to this method is that you have to take a step back and wait for the call.
You are not retreating.
"You build it and they will come".
And my favorite, "Ask and you will receive".
If I had tremendous confidence in school counselors, I would say stay on their door steps and wait for their vital information, but I think that you can do much better.
You are now on a "soul searching" mission.
That is the prime mission you are on at this point in your life.
If you get the chance pick up the book entitled "Think and Grow Rich" where Napoleon Hill, the author says that you must write down all the things you want to be doing in the next four or so years.
No one told you about that, did they? Well, it is never too late to do so.
Get a sheet of blank paper and number from 1 to 100.
I know it is a long list that I am asking, but what else are you doing? Now, just write down all the things that you would love to have, to do or be at this junction in your life.
I will give you the entire week to do it.
In my classes especially before the Christmas break and New Year, I have my students make such a list.
But they have to do it in a day or two.
Now, put down everything on that sheet of paper.
Please do not pick up a general merchandise catalog and start listing everything your eyes fall upon.
After you finish, tuck it away in your wallet or pocket book.
I like to look at my list on New Year's Day.
That is my gift to myself.
I make sure that I have a pen or pencil, so that I can check off all the wonderful things that the Intelligence has given or provided for me.
It is astonishing how many items are checked off the list.
Have fun! Do not let anyone discourage you from doing this simple exercise.
Besides you have all the time in the world.
There are no accidents.
If you feel the need to get more information, please do not hesitate to click on the site below, okay?
You have paid your dues.
You have your newly earned degree in your hands.
Your family and friends are proud of you.
You think you have a picture perfect attitude.
You are reasonably healthy and sane.
But you earnestly need this question answered in a hurry because you are either looking for a job, that car, or are on the first plane out of wherever you are.
Maybe you will fly to a foreign land because you may need a break from it all.
If you want to be a die heart professional, then you already know your next step.
You either have to go to medical or dental school, law school or someplace where you can get a higher degree of some kind in that major you think you are absolutely sure about, isn't that right? For those who are on the fence and truly need help, take a number and wait in line.
Here is your reality check.
You have spent four or more years at college.
You have a degree that states your major.
Hopefully, you will take a step back and take a nice deep breath and start doing your homework in this field of interest.
Because of your indecision right now, whoever paid for this trek down college lane isn't a very happy camper.
So, do not tell anyone that has a vested interest in your future that you do not know what to do next, okay? Now, no more holding of hands, or dueling pencils.
This is what you do.
Get away.
If you can not to that, then lock yourself in your room for a few hours, or entire day and go within yourself and find out what makes you tick.
Start by asking yourself questions.
Here are a few questions to ask.
Who am I? What do I want? What's my mission in life? How can I become successful? What is the right path for me? How can I become wealthy? Ask those questions in a calm and gentle way.
Do some self-talk and do not be afraid because all is well.
When you reach out to the Intelligence all is well.
When you routinely ask the right questions things begin to happen.
Try it! What do you have to lose? Asking is one of the first steps to knowledge.
You need quality time now and you need quality advice, so leave those friends alone.
Success is a jealous master.
Remember, the answers will come shortly and they will come in different shades, colors and through animals, people and objects.
The key to this method is that you have to take a step back and wait for the call.
You are not retreating.
"You build it and they will come".
And my favorite, "Ask and you will receive".
If I had tremendous confidence in school counselors, I would say stay on their door steps and wait for their vital information, but I think that you can do much better.
You are now on a "soul searching" mission.
That is the prime mission you are on at this point in your life.
If you get the chance pick up the book entitled "Think and Grow Rich" where Napoleon Hill, the author says that you must write down all the things you want to be doing in the next four or so years.
No one told you about that, did they? Well, it is never too late to do so.
Get a sheet of blank paper and number from 1 to 100.
I know it is a long list that I am asking, but what else are you doing? Now, just write down all the things that you would love to have, to do or be at this junction in your life.
I will give you the entire week to do it.
In my classes especially before the Christmas break and New Year, I have my students make such a list.
But they have to do it in a day or two.
Now, put down everything on that sheet of paper.
Please do not pick up a general merchandise catalog and start listing everything your eyes fall upon.
After you finish, tuck it away in your wallet or pocket book.
I like to look at my list on New Year's Day.
That is my gift to myself.
I make sure that I have a pen or pencil, so that I can check off all the wonderful things that the Intelligence has given or provided for me.
It is astonishing how many items are checked off the list.
Have fun! Do not let anyone discourage you from doing this simple exercise.
Besides you have all the time in the world.
There are no accidents.
If you feel the need to get more information, please do not hesitate to click on the site below, okay?