How to Clean Soot From Fireplace Brick & Stone
- 1). Fill an empty spray bottle with water. Mix a solution of ¼ cup all-purpose cleaner and 1 gallon of water into a bucket. Fill another bucket with 1 gallon of plain water.
- 2). Spray the soot spots with the water. Applying water first will help prevent the cleaning mixture from seeping into the surface too quickly.
- 3). Dip a scrub brush into the cleaning solution and scrub the soot from the surface. Rinse out the scrub brush in the cleaning solution often.
- 4). Rinse the area with a clean sponge and plain water. Rinse out the sponge in the bucket of plain water frequently to avoid reapplying soot to the fireplace.
- 1). Fill an empty spray bottle with water. Mix 1 gallon of water with a few squirts of mild dish soap into a bucket.
- 2). Scrub the stone surface with a scrub brush and the soapy water to remove the soot. Rinse out the scrub brush in the soapy water often.
- 3). Rinse the stone with a clean sponge and plain water. Rinse the sponge often in the bucket of water to avoid reapplying soot to the stone.