Are Dog Food Vegetables Good For Your Dog?
It isn't surprising that you would want to take the best care of your dog as you possibly could.
A dog is a faithful companion, they don't look to you for anything but someone to stand by their side.
They also depend on you to make the right choices when it comes to their health, and that can get quite confusing.
Dogs are carnivores by nature, but most of the dog food companies use corn as their key ingredient in the dog foods that are sold in the pet stores and supermarkets, but is that good for your dog? Dogs can live quite comfortably on a diet of vegetables, although having some meat will also help to reach their protein requirements easily.
However, the corn and wheat that most dog food companies use is not the healthiest choice for your dog, and that really should come as no surprise.
Dog food companies have been lying to their customers for years, and they continue to get away with it.
Look at any dog food commercial out there and you will see a happy dog, eagerly eating it's food.
You walk away with the impression that what they are eating is good enough to get served on your own table, but the truth is that they probably deprived that poor dog of food for a couple days to make them eat it with more enthusiasm, and the products that are in commercial dog food are anything but wholesome.
Most dog food companies will use products that have been pumped full of chemicals, and as long as they do not add chemicals to the food once it reaches the plant they can legally call it chemical free.
Some of the products that they use include road killed animals and dogs and cats that were put to sleep at the animal shelters.
Sometimes they don't even bother taking them out of the plastic bags and removing collars and tags.
A dog is a faithful companion, they don't look to you for anything but someone to stand by their side.
They also depend on you to make the right choices when it comes to their health, and that can get quite confusing.
Dogs are carnivores by nature, but most of the dog food companies use corn as their key ingredient in the dog foods that are sold in the pet stores and supermarkets, but is that good for your dog? Dogs can live quite comfortably on a diet of vegetables, although having some meat will also help to reach their protein requirements easily.
However, the corn and wheat that most dog food companies use is not the healthiest choice for your dog, and that really should come as no surprise.
Dog food companies have been lying to their customers for years, and they continue to get away with it.
Look at any dog food commercial out there and you will see a happy dog, eagerly eating it's food.
You walk away with the impression that what they are eating is good enough to get served on your own table, but the truth is that they probably deprived that poor dog of food for a couple days to make them eat it with more enthusiasm, and the products that are in commercial dog food are anything but wholesome.
Most dog food companies will use products that have been pumped full of chemicals, and as long as they do not add chemicals to the food once it reaches the plant they can legally call it chemical free.
Some of the products that they use include road killed animals and dogs and cats that were put to sleep at the animal shelters.
Sometimes they don't even bother taking them out of the plastic bags and removing collars and tags.