Best Foods For Acid Reflux Patients
If you have acid reflux, you know that there are certain foods you should avoid because they make your condition worse.
Why? Because they are either too fatty or acidic which can cause the digestive system to work harder, thereby producing more acids.
But fortunately, there are safe foods for acid reflux.
These are the ones you can eat and do not cause the lower esophageal sphincter to relax too much.
To give you an idea, here are some good foods for acid reflux: meat, dairy products, fish and baked goods low in fat, steamed vegetables, fruits like apples and bananas, carbohydrate-rich food, egg whites and beans.
Basically, these are the ones that are low in fat.
Low-fat foods are easier to digest and do not cause excessive production of acids in the body.
Food high in carbohydrates, on the other hand, fix the excessive acid production, giving you an easy feeling.
Aside from the dietary change you should do, you should also observe other prventive measures if you don't want acid reflux attacks.
Here are some other ways how to avoid it: 1.
Raise the head of your bed by at least six to eight inches to ease nighttime heartburn and to prevent stomach contents from going upwards.
Stop smoking.
It causes the lower esophageal sphincter to relax too much.
Wear loose clothing.
Do not also wear tight belts or anything that gives pressure around the waist, as this forces the stomach contents to go up to the esophagus.
Do not lie down after eating.
Wait for at least two hours before you go to sleep.
Sit in an upright position all the time.
You should keep a food diary to ensure that you trace what caused an attack.
This way, you can easily avoid that food or beverage next time.
Also, specify in detail what kind of food or beverage it was, the method of preparation and how much of it you consumed.
For more foods for acid reflux, visit websites that give free heartburn-free recipes.
And for a natural treatment for it, I suggest you visit my review on a book that had helped thousands of other sufferers cure their condition naturally.
Why? Because they are either too fatty or acidic which can cause the digestive system to work harder, thereby producing more acids.
But fortunately, there are safe foods for acid reflux.
These are the ones you can eat and do not cause the lower esophageal sphincter to relax too much.
To give you an idea, here are some good foods for acid reflux: meat, dairy products, fish and baked goods low in fat, steamed vegetables, fruits like apples and bananas, carbohydrate-rich food, egg whites and beans.
Basically, these are the ones that are low in fat.
Low-fat foods are easier to digest and do not cause excessive production of acids in the body.
Food high in carbohydrates, on the other hand, fix the excessive acid production, giving you an easy feeling.
Aside from the dietary change you should do, you should also observe other prventive measures if you don't want acid reflux attacks.
Here are some other ways how to avoid it: 1.
Raise the head of your bed by at least six to eight inches to ease nighttime heartburn and to prevent stomach contents from going upwards.
Stop smoking.
It causes the lower esophageal sphincter to relax too much.
Wear loose clothing.
Do not also wear tight belts or anything that gives pressure around the waist, as this forces the stomach contents to go up to the esophagus.
Do not lie down after eating.
Wait for at least two hours before you go to sleep.
Sit in an upright position all the time.
You should keep a food diary to ensure that you trace what caused an attack.
This way, you can easily avoid that food or beverage next time.
Also, specify in detail what kind of food or beverage it was, the method of preparation and how much of it you consumed.
For more foods for acid reflux, visit websites that give free heartburn-free recipes.
And for a natural treatment for it, I suggest you visit my review on a book that had helped thousands of other sufferers cure their condition naturally.