Facts About Moles
Skin moles are so common that just about every person will develop one (or more) sometime in his/her life. Despite this fact, skin moles are among the most difficult skin conditions for modern medicine to properly treat. Before we talk about mole removal, it is important to understand more.
Moles as you know are skin growths that are normally dark in color. Moles are formed when pigment producing skin cells called melanocytes cluster together. They can appear on any part of our bodies and normally start developing in childhood. An adult can have an average of 20-30 moles.
Take a look at your moles and you may discover that they have either disappeared, raised, faded or darkened. Hair may also have grown on the moles. Exposure to the sun may darken the moles. Moles are generally benign and do not create any health problems. They are neither irritating, painful or itchy and therefore can be left alone. However, there is still a chance for the moles to develop into cancerous growth.
Basically, there are 2 types of moles -- congenital nevi which means moles at birth and dysplastic nevi. Only 1 percent of the population has congenital nevi. Such moles have a higher tendency to develop into malignant melanoma (cancerous growth) than moles that develop after birth. Dysplastic nevi commonly called atypical moles are much larger than common moles and can appear in different shapes and non-homogeneous colours. They are mostly passed down from parents.
Anyone with a large number of such moles, sometimes more than 100, carry a higher risk of them becoming cancerous. To be on the safe side, if you happen to have these moles and they have grown into large proportions, ie more than 7 inches for congenital nevi and larger than a button for atypical mole, then it's time to consult a dermatologist for a thorough check up.
Many folks want to know how to identify if their moles are cancerous. I will share with you some obvious symptoms/signs to look out for in the moles on your skin. (1) Drastic change in appearance: Have the moles grown in size, changed colour and shape? Are they beginning to bleed, scale, itch or even hurt? (2) Change in symmetry of moles: If your mole does not look uniform, ie has now become asymmetrical where both halves don't seem to match. (3) Irregular borders/edges: Are they rounded or edgy? Do they have rough, protruding surfaces? (4) Colour of moles: One thing you need to observe is the homogenity of the colour. Healthy moles are homogeneous in colour. (5) Size of moles: As a rule of the thumb, any mole larger than a button is suspicious. Size is a key clue to whether a mole is potentially malignant.
You should ask your dermatologist to examine your moles if you realize any of the above abnormalities. What the dermatologist would do is to perform a simple biopsy, ie extract a small tissue sample from the mole and scrutinize it under the microscope or send it for laboratory testing.
Mole removal may be necessary if the mole is found to be cancerous. Some patients do also opt to remove the moles even if they are not malignant. They do so either for cosmetic reasons or because the moles are irritating especially for those which come into constant abrasion with clothings or skin folds.
Plant medicine is a very vast field and new discoveries are constantly coming to light. CURED's background is in biochemistry specializing in the field of medicinal plants and evidence based natural medicine. This has allowed them to develop specialized and incredibly effective remedies available to health practitioners and the general public with guaranteed results.
Medicinal plants deliver profound results to cure a vast array of ailments; recent scientific studies demonstrate this very fact and show just how powerful they can be. The beauty of these naturally occurring extracts is that they not only deliver incredible results to eradicate specific ailments, but do so without undesired side effects.
CURED researchers have analyzed hundreds of antimicrobial medicinal plant extracts to verify their capacity to eradicate melanomas and moles. NeviCurative contains a blend of organic plant extracts that have demonstrated the greatest effect against moles, in comprehensive scientific trials, while being well tolerated by skin tissue.
NeviCurative has eliminated moles on patients of all ages with symptoms ranging from small individual lesions to more severe occurrences on multiple sites on the body. We are serious about eradicating moles and have made NeviCurative as strong as possible.
The reputation and successes of CURED are getting around and NeviCurative has come to be known the ultimate treatment for moles. Learn more about how to get rid of moles with natural plant medicine, please go to http://www.bcured.net.
Moles as you know are skin growths that are normally dark in color. Moles are formed when pigment producing skin cells called melanocytes cluster together. They can appear on any part of our bodies and normally start developing in childhood. An adult can have an average of 20-30 moles.
Take a look at your moles and you may discover that they have either disappeared, raised, faded or darkened. Hair may also have grown on the moles. Exposure to the sun may darken the moles. Moles are generally benign and do not create any health problems. They are neither irritating, painful or itchy and therefore can be left alone. However, there is still a chance for the moles to develop into cancerous growth.
Basically, there are 2 types of moles -- congenital nevi which means moles at birth and dysplastic nevi. Only 1 percent of the population has congenital nevi. Such moles have a higher tendency to develop into malignant melanoma (cancerous growth) than moles that develop after birth. Dysplastic nevi commonly called atypical moles are much larger than common moles and can appear in different shapes and non-homogeneous colours. They are mostly passed down from parents.
Anyone with a large number of such moles, sometimes more than 100, carry a higher risk of them becoming cancerous. To be on the safe side, if you happen to have these moles and they have grown into large proportions, ie more than 7 inches for congenital nevi and larger than a button for atypical mole, then it's time to consult a dermatologist for a thorough check up.
Many folks want to know how to identify if their moles are cancerous. I will share with you some obvious symptoms/signs to look out for in the moles on your skin. (1) Drastic change in appearance: Have the moles grown in size, changed colour and shape? Are they beginning to bleed, scale, itch or even hurt? (2) Change in symmetry of moles: If your mole does not look uniform, ie has now become asymmetrical where both halves don't seem to match. (3) Irregular borders/edges: Are they rounded or edgy? Do they have rough, protruding surfaces? (4) Colour of moles: One thing you need to observe is the homogenity of the colour. Healthy moles are homogeneous in colour. (5) Size of moles: As a rule of the thumb, any mole larger than a button is suspicious. Size is a key clue to whether a mole is potentially malignant.
You should ask your dermatologist to examine your moles if you realize any of the above abnormalities. What the dermatologist would do is to perform a simple biopsy, ie extract a small tissue sample from the mole and scrutinize it under the microscope or send it for laboratory testing.
Mole removal may be necessary if the mole is found to be cancerous. Some patients do also opt to remove the moles even if they are not malignant. They do so either for cosmetic reasons or because the moles are irritating especially for those which come into constant abrasion with clothings or skin folds.
Plant medicine is a very vast field and new discoveries are constantly coming to light. CURED's background is in biochemistry specializing in the field of medicinal plants and evidence based natural medicine. This has allowed them to develop specialized and incredibly effective remedies available to health practitioners and the general public with guaranteed results.
Medicinal plants deliver profound results to cure a vast array of ailments; recent scientific studies demonstrate this very fact and show just how powerful they can be. The beauty of these naturally occurring extracts is that they not only deliver incredible results to eradicate specific ailments, but do so without undesired side effects.
CURED researchers have analyzed hundreds of antimicrobial medicinal plant extracts to verify their capacity to eradicate melanomas and moles. NeviCurative contains a blend of organic plant extracts that have demonstrated the greatest effect against moles, in comprehensive scientific trials, while being well tolerated by skin tissue.
NeviCurative has eliminated moles on patients of all ages with symptoms ranging from small individual lesions to more severe occurrences on multiple sites on the body. We are serious about eradicating moles and have made NeviCurative as strong as possible.
The reputation and successes of CURED are getting around and NeviCurative has come to be known the ultimate treatment for moles. Learn more about how to get rid of moles with natural plant medicine, please go to http://www.bcured.net.