Day 4 of My Juice Fast Diet
Day 4 Weight: 209 Not sure how I gained 3 lbs.
I trained pretty hard yesterday, and didn't feel like I had over done it with my juice intake.
It is a mystery.
I am studying nutrition, and the weight gain just doesn't make sense.
Woke up early and with good energy.
I didn't feel like I needed to juice right away, so I waited a couple hours.
I went with all fruit this morning to see if I couldn't get a spike in energy for a morning workout.
As I stated yesterday, I don't want to fill this article with gory details of my excrements.
I think it is important to note, however, that yesterday was clearly a day of detox.
My body was getting rid of things at a rapid pace.
In my readings, I learned that at or around Day #3, your body begins to look for food sources in your liver.
Most likely, there were a lot of toxins, and boy did I pay for it.
Today, things have normalized, and I really don't feel any side-effects to the diet, with the exception of being completely captivated by the smell of good food.
I think this is just my mind being weak.
I don't think I NEED solid food.
I just yearn for it because I cannot have it.
I went to a Mexican Market today to see what different types of fruits and vegetables they had.
I could not believe how much better the produce looks here.
Citrus fruits are three times the size of what you see in Smith's.
I found some interesting items to mix with- a few of which I had never heard of before.
Should be interesting.
After enjoying a 'mystery drink' made from fruits I found and the Mexican Market, I paused to reflect about the fact that I haven't experienced any heartburn since I started this diet.
Typically, I take Prilosec three times a week, due to UNBEARABLE heartburn.
I ALWAYS have to take it when I try new foods.
I literally cannot function when these episodes kick in.
I haven't experience any sort of discomfort in my digestive system at all this week.
Since today is Friday, and the beginning of the weekend, I am a bit nervous about my ability to stick to my diet without the regimented confines of work.
Weekends are usually spent creating culinary masterpieces (or at least in my mind they are).
One of my favorite past times is cooking.
Buy me a cook book, and you will have occupied me for a month.
We have a special event planned for the members of our gym this weekend.
We are all going 'Cosmic Bowling'.
I'm not a big fan of bowling, but can be goaded into it for the cold beer, and 'pool hall' style food.
The greasier, the better.
My other reservation stems from the irregularity this diet has caused.
There is nothing worse than bowling alley bathrooms.
Except bowling alley bathrooms, after eating bowling alley food.
I trained pretty hard yesterday, and didn't feel like I had over done it with my juice intake.
It is a mystery.
I am studying nutrition, and the weight gain just doesn't make sense.
Woke up early and with good energy.
I didn't feel like I needed to juice right away, so I waited a couple hours.
I went with all fruit this morning to see if I couldn't get a spike in energy for a morning workout.
As I stated yesterday, I don't want to fill this article with gory details of my excrements.
I think it is important to note, however, that yesterday was clearly a day of detox.
My body was getting rid of things at a rapid pace.
In my readings, I learned that at or around Day #3, your body begins to look for food sources in your liver.
Most likely, there were a lot of toxins, and boy did I pay for it.
Today, things have normalized, and I really don't feel any side-effects to the diet, with the exception of being completely captivated by the smell of good food.
I think this is just my mind being weak.
I don't think I NEED solid food.
I just yearn for it because I cannot have it.
I went to a Mexican Market today to see what different types of fruits and vegetables they had.
I could not believe how much better the produce looks here.
Citrus fruits are three times the size of what you see in Smith's.
I found some interesting items to mix with- a few of which I had never heard of before.
Should be interesting.
After enjoying a 'mystery drink' made from fruits I found and the Mexican Market, I paused to reflect about the fact that I haven't experienced any heartburn since I started this diet.
Typically, I take Prilosec three times a week, due to UNBEARABLE heartburn.
I ALWAYS have to take it when I try new foods.
I literally cannot function when these episodes kick in.
I haven't experience any sort of discomfort in my digestive system at all this week.
Since today is Friday, and the beginning of the weekend, I am a bit nervous about my ability to stick to my diet without the regimented confines of work.
Weekends are usually spent creating culinary masterpieces (or at least in my mind they are).
One of my favorite past times is cooking.
Buy me a cook book, and you will have occupied me for a month.
We have a special event planned for the members of our gym this weekend.
We are all going 'Cosmic Bowling'.
I'm not a big fan of bowling, but can be goaded into it for the cold beer, and 'pool hall' style food.
The greasier, the better.
My other reservation stems from the irregularity this diet has caused.
There is nothing worse than bowling alley bathrooms.
Except bowling alley bathrooms, after eating bowling alley food.