Updated November 25, 2014.
Some health insurance requires that you pay a percentage of the cost of covered health-related services after you have met your annual deductible. This is known as coinsurance and most often is about 20% to 30% of what your health plan approves. Your health plan will pay the remaining 70% to 80%.
Also Known As: co-insurance
Mr. Jones has a family health plan with a $500 annual deductible and 20% coinsurance.
In February, his wife and two children got checkups from their family physician. Mr. Jones paid the physician for these services, which cost $510. In March, one of the children got sick and the cost of the office visit was $50. Since the annual deductible was met, the health plan paid the doctor $40 (80%) and Mr. Jones paid the doctor $10 (20%)
Some health insurance requires that you pay a percentage of the cost of covered health-related services after you have met your annual deductible. This is known as coinsurance and most often is about 20% to 30% of what your health plan approves. Your health plan will pay the remaining 70% to 80%.
Also Known As: co-insurance
Mr. Jones has a family health plan with a $500 annual deductible and 20% coinsurance.
In February, his wife and two children got checkups from their family physician. Mr. Jones paid the physician for these services, which cost $510. In March, one of the children got sick and the cost of the office visit was $50. Since the annual deductible was met, the health plan paid the doctor $40 (80%) and Mr. Jones paid the doctor $10 (20%)