Can I Keep My Navy Insurance if I Am Divorced From My Husband?
- Divorced military spouses married to a service member is entitled to full health insurance under Tricare as long as that service member was active for 20 years, and the spouse was married to that service member for the same time period. Designated as a 20/20/20 spouse, retention of full military benefits in addition to Tricare insurance such as commissary and exchange occur. If the spouse remarries she will lose military benefits.
- If the marriage lasted for 20 years but only 15 years of the marriage occurred while the service member served on active duty, benefits are limited. Designated as a 20/20/15 spouse, insurance and medical benefits are available for a one-year transitional period after the divorce. Insurance coverage during this period requires that the spouse not remarry or obtain other insurance coverage, such as from an employer sponsored health plan. At the expiration of the one-year period, the spouse does have the option to buy a Department of Defense conversion health policy.
- If a divorced spouse is not a 20/20/20 or 20/20/15 spouse she is not eligible for military insurance. The Department of Defense does offer the Continued Health Benefit Program for spouses that do no qualify for Tricare, which is a transitional health insurance program that lasts for 36 months. The spouse is required to pay for the premiums, and enrollment must occur within 60 days of losing military benefits from a divorce.
- If a divorced spouse is unsure of her military benefits and rights after a divorce, she should seek legal assistance from the military. The local military base of the spouse can be helpful in providing guidance in addition to contacting Tricare directly regarding health insurance benefit questions.
20 Years
15 Years
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