The Marine Corps Logistics Base, Barstow, located 134 miles east of Los Angeles and 152 miles southwest of Las Vegas, was established as the Marine Corps Depot of Supplies at its present location on December 28, 1942, when the United States Navy turned it over to the Marine Corps as a storage site for supplies and equipment needed for Fleet Marine Forces in the Pacific theater during World War II.
The mission of the Logistics Base is to procure, maintain, repair and rebuild, store, and distribute supplies and equipment as assigned; to conduct such schools and training as may be directed; and to perform such tasks and functions as may be directed by the Commandant of the Marine Corps or the Commander, MCLB-Albany, GA. These services are generally provided to Marine Corps forces west of the Mississippi River and to the Far East.
MCLB Barstow is a state-of-the-art facility which is well-suited for repairing and maintaining the "smart" weapons currently under development for future use by the Marine Corps and other services. This capability was recently recognized by the Department of Defense when it selected MCLB Barstow as one of only seven repair depots in the entire U.S. to pioneer a new, high-tech process called Flexible Computer Integrated Manufacturing (FCIM), which will allow the inexpensive manufacture of parts to order for delivery in less than thirty days.
Official website of MCLB Barstow
Location/Driving Directions
MCLB Barstow is located halfway between Los Angeles and Las Vegas on Interstate 40. It is approximately 120 miles northeast of Los Angeles and 150 miles southwest of Las Vegas in the Mojave high desert.
If you are flying into Ontario International Airport to reach MCLB Barstow, you will need to take ground transportation from the airport to Barstow. From the airport, take Interstate 10 east toward San Bernardino.
Merge onto Interstate 15 north toward Barstow/Las Vegas for about 80 miles. Once you reach Barstow, take Interstate 40 for two miles until you reach the installation.
If coming in from the east, Barstow is the second to the last stop on Interstate 40.
If arriving by bus or train, you will arrive in Barstow at the historic Harvey House, located on N. First Avenue. If you need transportation, take a taxi to MCLB (Nebo) Barstow and check in at Building 15 with the Base Duty Officer. If you cannot take a taxi, call the BDO at (760) 577-6961.
If you do not have transportation, contact your assigned sponsor and make arrangements with him or her to coordinate your transportation requirements. Sponsorship assignment is mandatory at MCLB Barstow. Call (800) THE-USMC (843-8762), ext. 7 (Personnel Office), for more information.
Main Phone Numbers
BRANCH MEDICAL CLINIC 760- 577-6491 Fax: 760-577-6950
CHILD CARE SPEC IALIST 760- 577-6049 DSN: 282-6049
CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER 760-577-6287 DSN: 282-6287
EDUCATION CENTER 760-577-6118 DSN: 282-6118
EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY MEMBER PROGRAM COORDINATOR 760- 577-6149 Fax: 760-577-6085 DSN: 282-6149 DSN Fax: 282-6085
HOUSING OFFICE 760-577-6707/760-577-6706/760-577-6871 Fax: 760-577-6071 DSN: 282-6872 DSN Fax: 282-6071
INFORMATION AND REFERRAL 760-577-6755 DSN: 282-6755 DSN Fax: 282-6195
MCCS-MARINE& FAMILY SERVICES, CHILD CARE CENTER (760) 577-6473 Fax: 760-577-6359 DSN: 282-6473
MEDICAL CLINIC - APPOINTMENTS 760-577-7762/3 DSN: 282-7762/3
ON BASE HOUSING MCLB, BUILDING 760-577-6707/6706 DSN 282-6707/6706
RELOCATION ASSISTANCE MCLB 760-577-6149 DSN 282-6149 Fax: 760-577-6085
TEMPORARY LODGING OFFICE 760-577-6418 DWH --6611 AWH Fax: 760-577-6110 DSN: 282-6418 DSN Fax: 282-6110
Population/Major Units Assigned
Major Commands include: Command Headquarters, Special Staff Offices (including the Office of General Counsel, Base Inspector, Quality Management, SJA, Public Affairs, Chaplain, Information Systems, Communications), Heatquarters Battalion, Comptroller, Marine Corps Family Team Building/Semper Fit, Public Safety, Installation & Logistics, Maintenance Center, Facilities Services Center, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), DRMO.
Active duty military are approximately 500 (Navy & Marines); Family members living here are approximately 1,000; Retirees living in a 30 mile radius number approximately 8,000; Civilian employees number around 2,500; Army Personnel living on base are around 230 personnel and their families.
Temporary Lodging
The Oasis Temporary Lodging Facility (TLF) aboard MCLB Barstow offers the comforts of home with one-bedroom or two-bedroom options as well as VIP lodging. Amenities include refrigerator, utensils, A/C, VCR/DVD plays, cribs, playpens, iron/ironing board, housekeeping service, and laundry facility. High Speed Internet is coming soon. Phone: (760) 577]6418 DSN: (312) 282]6418 Fax: (760) 577]6947
Duty can make reservations at anytime.
Space-A 30 days in advance. Eligibility includes active duty, reserves, retired, and their dependents; DoD civilians, retired DoD civilians, and their dependents. Generally, the maximum length of stay is 30 days, with possible extensions depending on availability.
Room Rates:
* $49 per unit, Oasis Lodge
* $59 per unit, VIP
Rooms Available:
* 7 one-bedroom, private bath
* 2 two-bedroom, private bath
Check-In: 1:00 p.m. at billeting
Check-Out: 11:00 a.m.
Pets are not permitted in lodging facilities.
The RV Park aboard MCLB Barstow, Phone Number: (760) 577-6418 Fax Number: (760) 577-6947, is open year-round for active duty, reserves, retireed, DoD civilians, and US Government civilian employees. RV spaces are given on first come, first serve basis. Spaces include twenty (20) concrete slabs, back-in, with full hook-up. Check-in is at 1:00pm, and check-out is at 11:00am. Pets are allowed in the camping area only, but must be kept on 6' leash at all times.
Currently, there are 74 government quarters for married families aboard the base. There are two areas - Desert View and Day Street. All married personnel arriving at MCLB Barstow for permanent duty should report the Family Housing Office in the Community Center building 363 prior to executing any commitment of private commercial rental agreement. The housing office numbers are: 760-577-6872 or DSN 282- 577-6872.
All applications for housing can be faxed, 760-577-6071, to the housing office before you PCS in advance, including a copy of orders showing your detachment date. The family housing office is located in the community center building 363.
All officers and enlisted personnel accompanied by their bone fide family members are eligible to apply for Military Family Housing.
There are 66 Quarters in Desert View housing which include Junior Enlisted, SNCO, and Company Grade quarters. Quarters include 2 mod bedrooms, 3 bedrooms and 4 bedrooms. There are 8 Quarters on Day and Quarters Street which are Field Grade quarters, including 3 bedroom and 4 bedroom units.
Waiting times for Junior Enlisted are 1 to 2 months. Waiting times for SNCO, Company Grade and Field Grade are 1 month.
Bachelor housing is available to single active duty service members and geographical bachelors. All bachelors housing is controlled by the commands. You will be assigned to bachelor housing when you check in to your new unit.
If you have any special needs please include on your housing application under remarks. Four out of seventy-four quarters are ADA compliance for special needs issues.
Schools attended by children living aboard MCLB fall under the Silver Valley School District (SVSD) or the Barstow Unified School District (BUSD). There are no DoD schools.
A student enrolling in any of the Silver Valley or Barstow Unified School Districts must have the following documentation prior to enrolling:
The following documents are helpful when placing your child in a new school:
* Proof of residence (utility bill/rental agreement...)
* Physical (K & 1)
* Birth certificate
* Social Security card
* Complete shot record
* Most recent IEP if in special education
* Name and phone number of previous school
* Withdrawal papers and exit grades (middle/high school)
* Unofficial transcripts (high school)
Transportation to school
The school district will provide transportation for students under provisions of state law and regulations. Students who reside beyond the maximum walking distance as defined below shall be eligible for transportation service to the school for their attendance area. Maximum walking distances to a school or bus stop are:
* Grades K-3: three-fourths mile
* Grades 4-8: one mile
* Grades 9-12: two miles
If your child will ride a bus to school, the school will provide you with the bus stop and the time your child will be picked up when you register.
There are two Community Colleges located within a close proximity to the installation, as well as courses offered on base from Park College or National University.
The Child Development Center's (CDC) is located in Building 372 and is open to children dependent of all active-duty military, retired military, military reserve (while on active duty), DoD civilian employee, paid through APF or NAF, or DoD contractor. Full-day care, part-day care, before- and after-school care and hourly care for children six weeks to five years old are offered. You can reach the CDC at 760-577-6287.
The following is a list of the programs offered:
* Full Day Childcare for ages 6 weeks to Pre-Kindergarden.
* Before and After School Care (School-Age Care, SAC)
* Part Day Care
* Hourly Drop-In Care 760-577-6287.
* Family Child Care (FCC) 760-577-6049 or 760-577-6287.
* Respite Care
Fees for child care are based on total family income. Patrons wishing to enroll children on contract will be required to show proof of income. Some patrons may be eligible for assistance for payments for childcare.
When the Center has reached its capacity of full time monthly contracts, a waiting list will be established. Each age group has a separate waiting list, and parents are called as soon as we know of a pending vacancy for that age group. Care for children with special needs is offered for infants through school-age children. Rates are the same as those listed above. Children with special needs must be evaluated for appropriate placement and be registered with the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP).
Hours of operation of CDC are Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m.
- 6:00 p.m.
School-Age Care (SAC) is offered at the Youth Activities Center Monday through Friday from 6 to 8:30 a.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m. SAC provides children a safe and fun place for before and after school and on any school non-attendance days. The SAC is open to the children of active-duty military personnel, DoD civilian employees and DoD contractors. For more information about SAC activities, hours or enrollment please call 760-577-6617 or 760-577-6287.
The Youth Activities Center (YAC) offers open recreation for children ages 6 to 18. YAC Open Recreation will be scheduled from 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday. Several Fridays will be designated Teen Night and Open Recreation will be extended to 9:00 p.m. for teens age 13-18 only. Special Saturday field trips and activities scheduled for teen’s ages 13-18 during the summer. Open Recreation is free to registered patrons.
MCLB Barstow's Branch Medical Clinic is located in Building 17. The clinic serves the health care needs of active-duty personnel, TRICARE members and other eligible beneficiaries throughout the high desert.
Inpatient care for active-duty service members is provided by Fort Irwin's Weed Army Community Hospital or through Naval Hospitals at San Diego or Camp Pendleton.
Family members and retirees requiring inpatient and outpatient medical care not available at the clinic are referred to Fort Irwin or local civilian medical sources under TRICARE.
TRICARE is an enrollment-based system devised to provide beneficiaries with a Primary Care Manager who will assess each patient's medical needs and provide appropriate medical care. The TRICARE health benefits advisor ((760) 577-6491, extension 102), located at the base Branch Medical Clinic, provides medical benefit and enrollment information for family members and retirees.
Clinic hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, except for holidays. For clinic appointments, call the appointment line at (760) 577-6491, extension 101.
After hours and on weekends when the clinic is closed, all routine medical care will be deferred until the next working day. For urgent medical problems or questions, contact the clinic chief of the day at (760) 272-8459 or call the Health Care Information Line at (800) 611-2883. All emergencies are handled by the local civilian hospital. For emergency assistance call 911.
The following services are available through the Branch Medical Clinic: military sick call (walk-in from 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m. and from 1 to 2:30 p.m.); routine and urgent office visits; pap smears; well baby exams; pharmacy ((760) 577-6491, extension 106 or 107); active-duty personnel physical exams; preventive medicine services; and occupational health services.
The MCLB Barstow Branch Dental Clinic is located in Building 17D on Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow. Dental sick call; annual check-ups; and screenings for re-enlistment, MSG duty, separation from active-duty, and overseas screening are conducted starting at 7 a.m. Mondays through Fridays for active duty military personnel. Overseas screenings for family members are by appointment only. To make routine care appointments call 760-577-6497/6597 Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Active-duty personnel with dental pain will be seen at any time. For after-hours dental pain, call the daytime phone number for the after-hours beeper number. Retired military service members are seen on a space-available basis.
The Marine Corps Logistics Base, Barstow, located 134 miles east of Los Angeles and 152 miles southwest of Las Vegas, was established as the Marine Corps Depot of Supplies at its present location on December 28, 1942, when the United States Navy turned it over to the Marine Corps as a storage site for supplies and equipment needed for Fleet Marine Forces in the Pacific theater during World War II.
The mission of the Logistics Base is to procure, maintain, repair and rebuild, store, and distribute supplies and equipment as assigned; to conduct such schools and training as may be directed; and to perform such tasks and functions as may be directed by the Commandant of the Marine Corps or the Commander, MCLB-Albany, GA. These services are generally provided to Marine Corps forces west of the Mississippi River and to the Far East.
MCLB Barstow is a state-of-the-art facility which is well-suited for repairing and maintaining the "smart" weapons currently under development for future use by the Marine Corps and other services. This capability was recently recognized by the Department of Defense when it selected MCLB Barstow as one of only seven repair depots in the entire U.S. to pioneer a new, high-tech process called Flexible Computer Integrated Manufacturing (FCIM), which will allow the inexpensive manufacture of parts to order for delivery in less than thirty days.
Official website of MCLB Barstow
Location/Driving Directions
MCLB Barstow is located halfway between Los Angeles and Las Vegas on Interstate 40. It is approximately 120 miles northeast of Los Angeles and 150 miles southwest of Las Vegas in the Mojave high desert.
If you are flying into Ontario International Airport to reach MCLB Barstow, you will need to take ground transportation from the airport to Barstow. From the airport, take Interstate 10 east toward San Bernardino.
Merge onto Interstate 15 north toward Barstow/Las Vegas for about 80 miles. Once you reach Barstow, take Interstate 40 for two miles until you reach the installation.
If coming in from the east, Barstow is the second to the last stop on Interstate 40.
If arriving by bus or train, you will arrive in Barstow at the historic Harvey House, located on N. First Avenue. If you need transportation, take a taxi to MCLB (Nebo) Barstow and check in at Building 15 with the Base Duty Officer. If you cannot take a taxi, call the BDO at (760) 577-6961.
If you do not have transportation, contact your assigned sponsor and make arrangements with him or her to coordinate your transportation requirements. Sponsorship assignment is mandatory at MCLB Barstow. Call (800) THE-USMC (843-8762), ext. 7 (Personnel Office), for more information.
Main Phone Numbers
BRANCH MEDICAL CLINIC 760- 577-6491 Fax: 760-577-6950
CHILD CARE SPEC IALIST 760- 577-6049 DSN: 282-6049
CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER 760-577-6287 DSN: 282-6287
EDUCATION CENTER 760-577-6118 DSN: 282-6118
EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY MEMBER PROGRAM COORDINATOR 760- 577-6149 Fax: 760-577-6085 DSN: 282-6149 DSN Fax: 282-6085
HOUSING OFFICE 760-577-6707/760-577-6706/760-577-6871 Fax: 760-577-6071 DSN: 282-6872 DSN Fax: 282-6071
INFORMATION AND REFERRAL 760-577-6755 DSN: 282-6755 DSN Fax: 282-6195
MCCS-MARINE& FAMILY SERVICES, CHILD CARE CENTER (760) 577-6473 Fax: 760-577-6359 DSN: 282-6473
MEDICAL CLINIC - APPOINTMENTS 760-577-7762/3 DSN: 282-7762/3
ON BASE HOUSING MCLB, BUILDING 760-577-6707/6706 DSN 282-6707/6706
RELOCATION ASSISTANCE MCLB 760-577-6149 DSN 282-6149 Fax: 760-577-6085
TEMPORARY LODGING OFFICE 760-577-6418 DWH --6611 AWH Fax: 760-577-6110 DSN: 282-6418 DSN Fax: 282-6110
Population/Major Units Assigned
Major Commands include: Command Headquarters, Special Staff Offices (including the Office of General Counsel, Base Inspector, Quality Management, SJA, Public Affairs, Chaplain, Information Systems, Communications), Heatquarters Battalion, Comptroller, Marine Corps Family Team Building/Semper Fit, Public Safety, Installation & Logistics, Maintenance Center, Facilities Services Center, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), DRMO.
Active duty military are approximately 500 (Navy & Marines); Family members living here are approximately 1,000; Retirees living in a 30 mile radius number approximately 8,000; Civilian employees number around 2,500; Army Personnel living on base are around 230 personnel and their families.
Temporary Lodging
The Oasis Temporary Lodging Facility (TLF) aboard MCLB Barstow offers the comforts of home with one-bedroom or two-bedroom options as well as VIP lodging. Amenities include refrigerator, utensils, A/C, VCR/DVD plays, cribs, playpens, iron/ironing board, housekeeping service, and laundry facility. High Speed Internet is coming soon. Phone: (760) 577]6418 DSN: (312) 282]6418 Fax: (760) 577]6947
Duty can make reservations at anytime.
Space-A 30 days in advance. Eligibility includes active duty, reserves, retired, and their dependents; DoD civilians, retired DoD civilians, and their dependents. Generally, the maximum length of stay is 30 days, with possible extensions depending on availability.
Room Rates:
* $49 per unit, Oasis Lodge
* $59 per unit, VIP
Rooms Available:
* 7 one-bedroom, private bath
* 2 two-bedroom, private bath
Check-In: 1:00 p.m. at billeting
Check-Out: 11:00 a.m.
Pets are not permitted in lodging facilities.
The RV Park aboard MCLB Barstow, Phone Number: (760) 577-6418 Fax Number: (760) 577-6947, is open year-round for active duty, reserves, retireed, DoD civilians, and US Government civilian employees. RV spaces are given on first come, first serve basis. Spaces include twenty (20) concrete slabs, back-in, with full hook-up. Check-in is at 1:00pm, and check-out is at 11:00am. Pets are allowed in the camping area only, but must be kept on 6' leash at all times.
Currently, there are 74 government quarters for married families aboard the base. There are two areas - Desert View and Day Street. All married personnel arriving at MCLB Barstow for permanent duty should report the Family Housing Office in the Community Center building 363 prior to executing any commitment of private commercial rental agreement. The housing office numbers are: 760-577-6872 or DSN 282- 577-6872.
All applications for housing can be faxed, 760-577-6071, to the housing office before you PCS in advance, including a copy of orders showing your detachment date. The family housing office is located in the community center building 363.
All officers and enlisted personnel accompanied by their bone fide family members are eligible to apply for Military Family Housing.
There are 66 Quarters in Desert View housing which include Junior Enlisted, SNCO, and Company Grade quarters. Quarters include 2 mod bedrooms, 3 bedrooms and 4 bedrooms. There are 8 Quarters on Day and Quarters Street which are Field Grade quarters, including 3 bedroom and 4 bedroom units.
Waiting times for Junior Enlisted are 1 to 2 months. Waiting times for SNCO, Company Grade and Field Grade are 1 month.
Bachelor housing is available to single active duty service members and geographical bachelors. All bachelors housing is controlled by the commands. You will be assigned to bachelor housing when you check in to your new unit.
If you have any special needs please include on your housing application under remarks. Four out of seventy-four quarters are ADA compliance for special needs issues.
Schools attended by children living aboard MCLB fall under the Silver Valley School District (SVSD) or the Barstow Unified School District (BUSD). There are no DoD schools.
A student enrolling in any of the Silver Valley or Barstow Unified School Districts must have the following documentation prior to enrolling:
The following documents are helpful when placing your child in a new school:
* Proof of residence (utility bill/rental agreement...)
* Physical (K & 1)
* Birth certificate
* Social Security card
* Complete shot record
* Most recent IEP if in special education
* Name and phone number of previous school
* Withdrawal papers and exit grades (middle/high school)
* Unofficial transcripts (high school)
Transportation to school
The school district will provide transportation for students under provisions of state law and regulations. Students who reside beyond the maximum walking distance as defined below shall be eligible for transportation service to the school for their attendance area. Maximum walking distances to a school or bus stop are:
* Grades K-3: three-fourths mile
* Grades 4-8: one mile
* Grades 9-12: two miles
If your child will ride a bus to school, the school will provide you with the bus stop and the time your child will be picked up when you register.
There are two Community Colleges located within a close proximity to the installation, as well as courses offered on base from Park College or National University.
The Child Development Center's (CDC) is located in Building 372 and is open to children dependent of all active-duty military, retired military, military reserve (while on active duty), DoD civilian employee, paid through APF or NAF, or DoD contractor. Full-day care, part-day care, before- and after-school care and hourly care for children six weeks to five years old are offered. You can reach the CDC at 760-577-6287.
The following is a list of the programs offered:
* Full Day Childcare for ages 6 weeks to Pre-Kindergarden.
* Before and After School Care (School-Age Care, SAC)
* Part Day Care
* Hourly Drop-In Care 760-577-6287.
* Family Child Care (FCC) 760-577-6049 or 760-577-6287.
* Respite Care
Fees for child care are based on total family income. Patrons wishing to enroll children on contract will be required to show proof of income. Some patrons may be eligible for assistance for payments for childcare.
When the Center has reached its capacity of full time monthly contracts, a waiting list will be established. Each age group has a separate waiting list, and parents are called as soon as we know of a pending vacancy for that age group. Care for children with special needs is offered for infants through school-age children. Rates are the same as those listed above. Children with special needs must be evaluated for appropriate placement and be registered with the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP).
Hours of operation of CDC are Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m.
- 6:00 p.m.
School-Age Care (SAC) is offered at the Youth Activities Center Monday through Friday from 6 to 8:30 a.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m. SAC provides children a safe and fun place for before and after school and on any school non-attendance days. The SAC is open to the children of active-duty military personnel, DoD civilian employees and DoD contractors. For more information about SAC activities, hours or enrollment please call 760-577-6617 or 760-577-6287.
The Youth Activities Center (YAC) offers open recreation for children ages 6 to 18. YAC Open Recreation will be scheduled from 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday. Several Fridays will be designated Teen Night and Open Recreation will be extended to 9:00 p.m. for teens age 13-18 only. Special Saturday field trips and activities scheduled for teen’s ages 13-18 during the summer. Open Recreation is free to registered patrons.
MCLB Barstow's Branch Medical Clinic is located in Building 17. The clinic serves the health care needs of active-duty personnel, TRICARE members and other eligible beneficiaries throughout the high desert.
Inpatient care for active-duty service members is provided by Fort Irwin's Weed Army Community Hospital or through Naval Hospitals at San Diego or Camp Pendleton.
Family members and retirees requiring inpatient and outpatient medical care not available at the clinic are referred to Fort Irwin or local civilian medical sources under TRICARE.
TRICARE is an enrollment-based system devised to provide beneficiaries with a Primary Care Manager who will assess each patient's medical needs and provide appropriate medical care. The TRICARE health benefits advisor ((760) 577-6491, extension 102), located at the base Branch Medical Clinic, provides medical benefit and enrollment information for family members and retirees.
Clinic hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, except for holidays. For clinic appointments, call the appointment line at (760) 577-6491, extension 101.
After hours and on weekends when the clinic is closed, all routine medical care will be deferred until the next working day. For urgent medical problems or questions, contact the clinic chief of the day at (760) 272-8459 or call the Health Care Information Line at (800) 611-2883. All emergencies are handled by the local civilian hospital. For emergency assistance call 911.
The following services are available through the Branch Medical Clinic: military sick call (walk-in from 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m. and from 1 to 2:30 p.m.); routine and urgent office visits; pap smears; well baby exams; pharmacy ((760) 577-6491, extension 106 or 107); active-duty personnel physical exams; preventive medicine services; and occupational health services.
The MCLB Barstow Branch Dental Clinic is located in Building 17D on Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow. Dental sick call; annual check-ups; and screenings for re-enlistment, MSG duty, separation from active-duty, and overseas screening are conducted starting at 7 a.m. Mondays through Fridays for active duty military personnel. Overseas screenings for family members are by appointment only. To make routine care appointments call 760-577-6497/6597 Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Active-duty personnel with dental pain will be seen at any time. For after-hours dental pain, call the daytime phone number for the after-hours beeper number. Retired military service members are seen on a space-available basis.