High Fiber Low-Fat Foods
- There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble is found in whole-grain products, rye, wheat bran and fruit/vegetable peels. Soluble is found in legumes (beans and peas), fruits, vegetables, oats and oat bran.
- Omega-3 fatty acids in fish and unsaturated fats are preferred. Red meat, eggs, poultry and diary products contain no fiber and are high in unhealthful saturated fat.
- Insoluble fiber helps remove waste from the bowels. Soluble fiber is reported to help lower cholesterol, and prevents constipation and diverticulitis. Fat helps the body absorb vitamins, assists in regulating body temperature and is required for functioning of the central nervous system.
- Foods highest in fiber and lowest in fat include dried beans, artichokes, 100 percent bran cereal, legumes, dried peas, dried fruits and berries. Other excellent choices include yams, baked potato (with skin), brown rice, apples, rye bread, whole-grain breads and pasta, and spinach or collard greens.
- Experts recommend that fat comprise 20 percent to 30 percent of your diet. Adults should consume 25 to 35 g of fiber a day.
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