Clutter and Hoarding - What If I Have Obstacles?
Most of us could clean and organize our homes if we had all the time in the world, with unlimited energy and no emotional baggage to slow us down.
Well, that would be like wishing upon a star and believing in the tooth fairy.
So in actuality, most of us have to make do with the situation we have.
We all have obstacles, whether they are emotional, time-based, physical in the home or with health challenges.
Emotional And Physical Are Related The emotional affects the physical and vice versa.
When you feel negative feelings, you may not feel like doing anything.
You may feel shame, embarrassment, depression, futility, and perhaps negative thoughts about yourself.
With all this, it may seem like cleaning up, decluttering and organizing is like climbing Mount Everest! This increases your stress, which actually will affect your energy, hormone production and balance, and immune system.
Then your low energy, hormone imbalance and possible illnesses from lowered immune system will make it a lot harder to clean and declutter! Who Has All The Time In The World? Everyone has 24 hours in the day.
We all need to sleep and eat.
We hopefully do some form of movement or exercise.
Then what? Is your time filled with taking care of others? You can't exactly divorce your kids and spouse to get some added time for yourself.
Physical and Health Challenges You may have health challenges.
These issues may be acute or chronic, such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia.
I understand.
I have had multiple chronic illnesses off and on for almost 20 years.
I understand, even if your family and friends don't.
You may have issues in the home that get in the way of decluttering and organizing.
Sometimes it's even that you have no clean space anywhere to do sorting.
Or perhaps you are highly sensitive to dust and don't yet have a 'gas mask' or HEPA filter (or your HEPA filter needs to be cleaned and you need to find someone else to do it so you don't get sick).
So What Can You Do? Don't give up! Just use the M.
system: Micro Easy Steps, Smarty! Even if you only move one item into the correct room, that's one more that's in the direction it needs to be.
Begin to get in the habit that when you walk from one room to the next, carry something that needs to be moved in that direction.
Most importantly, keep your thoughts and feelings as neutral or positive as you can.
Celebrate each and every item that you move in the right direction!
Well, that would be like wishing upon a star and believing in the tooth fairy.
So in actuality, most of us have to make do with the situation we have.
We all have obstacles, whether they are emotional, time-based, physical in the home or with health challenges.
Emotional And Physical Are Related The emotional affects the physical and vice versa.
When you feel negative feelings, you may not feel like doing anything.
You may feel shame, embarrassment, depression, futility, and perhaps negative thoughts about yourself.
With all this, it may seem like cleaning up, decluttering and organizing is like climbing Mount Everest! This increases your stress, which actually will affect your energy, hormone production and balance, and immune system.
Then your low energy, hormone imbalance and possible illnesses from lowered immune system will make it a lot harder to clean and declutter! Who Has All The Time In The World? Everyone has 24 hours in the day.
We all need to sleep and eat.
We hopefully do some form of movement or exercise.
Then what? Is your time filled with taking care of others? You can't exactly divorce your kids and spouse to get some added time for yourself.
Physical and Health Challenges You may have health challenges.
These issues may be acute or chronic, such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia.
I understand.
I have had multiple chronic illnesses off and on for almost 20 years.
I understand, even if your family and friends don't.
You may have issues in the home that get in the way of decluttering and organizing.
Sometimes it's even that you have no clean space anywhere to do sorting.
Or perhaps you are highly sensitive to dust and don't yet have a 'gas mask' or HEPA filter (or your HEPA filter needs to be cleaned and you need to find someone else to do it so you don't get sick).
So What Can You Do? Don't give up! Just use the M.
system: Micro Easy Steps, Smarty! Even if you only move one item into the correct room, that's one more that's in the direction it needs to be.
Begin to get in the habit that when you walk from one room to the next, carry something that needs to be moved in that direction.
Most importantly, keep your thoughts and feelings as neutral or positive as you can.
Celebrate each and every item that you move in the right direction!