Food and Ointment Allergies - 7 Strategies to Heal Them
- First bullet
Or they occur after eating as vomiting, heartburn, belching, bloating, nose dripping, eyes watering, skin itching, breaking out or getting dry, asthma, arthritic and other joint pains, and more discomforts.
These allergy symptoms occur sooner or later after eating or application of an ointment during each 24 hour cycle as long as the allergy causing factor is not eliminated.
We suffer these discomforts, take allergy medicine, or go to the doctor.
To heal an allergy we need to eliminate the triggering factor(s), often for one or two years.
In the case of a serious acute or life threatening allergy medical help is always needed, often quite quickly.
- Second bullet
Professionals call this the elimination procedure.
The difficulty arises if there are more factors involved which cause the problem.
If not all problems are gone by eliminating one factor, another factor needs to be eliminated in addition.
The task becomes a research project, best is to write a protocol until the awareness is sharpened.
- Third bullet
Ointments can be replaced with olive or flax seed oil during the experimental phase and mild lemon juice or vinegar.
Often only one portion of a food or ointment triggers the allergy, in another form this food or ointment can be used without harm.
- Fourth bullet
To do this one has to sour the milk or better make yoghurt at home, then drain it through a cloth.
Yoghurt from the store does not drain completely, because it has pectin or other thickeners needed for the transport.
It is good to be used as a starter.
Once learned to make your own yoghurt, it becomes a kitchen routine.
The resulting fresh yoghurt cheese is an excellent staple and provides an alive microbial flora.
- Fifth bullet
Buy raw good looking peanuts and toast them yourself, or eat raw peanuts first to check whether it is the peanut.
If you eat peanut butter, buy it in a Health Food store.
Dried raisins and fruits are also mostly oiled.
- Sixth bullet
Good flours are available in one pound bags.
The culprit could be the gluten in the wheat, but it can also be the fast harvesting, threshing, and transportation which allow mold to attack the grain without being visible yet.
- Seventh bullet
Most processed foods have no label neither do we know the ingredients of community and restaurant foods.
Energy bars, and other foods sold in boxes or bags have labels which are often unreadable.
The labels: "May contain ...
," "Manufactured using the same equipment," or similar are vague.
A precise label says: "Made in a facility that processes tree nuts, soy, but does not process any peanuts, gluten, dairy, cholesterol or GMOs," or something similar.
Because of some ingredients labelled in a hidden form, it is necessary to eat as much home made food as possible.
A big serving of a food might trigger an allergy while a small serving does not.
A food which we are hooked on or a food which we dislike, is of no help.
If a person is able to use a pendulum reliably, this could be of help.
But only few people have this ability.