Home Maintenance Tips From Germany
A huge debate popped up these days. Many of us asked themselves "what makes Germans so good in everything?". BBC made 2 films about the way Germans live and work. These films made me consider what our society lacks.
First of all, their discipline. I am sure you aren't surprised to hear that, but this is the fundamental on which German society is build and the main reason it works so well. They, Germans, don't late for work, work harder than us and are more focused during work. However, according to many, German way of life is boring but is it? Of course, some compromises should be made but the rewards for that is perfectly working society in which everybody feel confident and calm. The German society is also very socially oriented. If you lose your job or have any sorts of financial troubles, you can be sure that the authorities will help you and sooner or later you will be working and making reasonable money again.
The debate about the German women goes a bit deeper than that, though. Big number of German women are stay at home moms. They're better paid when raising their kids than when going to work. Therefore, they prefer to take care of their children and give birth to more, if possible. However, these women clean and cook most of their spare time.
She wakes up, wakes the kids up, drive them to the kindergarten, goes back home, cleans, takes the kids back home and spend the rest of the day with them. An average German housewife spends approximately four hours a day in cleaning, which is a lot. You can rarely see oven cleaning companies in Germany. The reason is because these women take care of it all. Home and personal hygiene is very important and significant for the Germans. They are cautious about it and put serious efforts maintaining them.
Sometimes even Germans decide to hire professional oven cleaners. The Christmas holidays are very busy with all the guests, presents and preparations, so there is little time for everything else. That's why pros like the Bicester professional oven cleaners are hired.
The answer to that one is rather difficult but I think we can. The real question according to me is – do we want to be Germans? I think, not. We can hardly follow all the rules and procedures which these people follow. We are simply different.
- So, what makes Germans so successful?
First of all, their discipline. I am sure you aren't surprised to hear that, but this is the fundamental on which German society is build and the main reason it works so well. They, Germans, don't late for work, work harder than us and are more focused during work. However, according to many, German way of life is boring but is it? Of course, some compromises should be made but the rewards for that is perfectly working society in which everybody feel confident and calm. The German society is also very socially oriented. If you lose your job or have any sorts of financial troubles, you can be sure that the authorities will help you and sooner or later you will be working and making reasonable money again.
The debate about the German women goes a bit deeper than that, though. Big number of German women are stay at home moms. They're better paid when raising their kids than when going to work. Therefore, they prefer to take care of their children and give birth to more, if possible. However, these women clean and cook most of their spare time.
- How does a normal German woman's day look like?
She wakes up, wakes the kids up, drive them to the kindergarten, goes back home, cleans, takes the kids back home and spend the rest of the day with them. An average German housewife spends approximately four hours a day in cleaning, which is a lot. You can rarely see oven cleaning companies in Germany. The reason is because these women take care of it all. Home and personal hygiene is very important and significant for the Germans. They are cautious about it and put serious efforts maintaining them.
- When Germans hire professionals?
Sometimes even Germans decide to hire professional oven cleaners. The Christmas holidays are very busy with all the guests, presents and preparations, so there is little time for everything else. That's why pros like the Bicester professional oven cleaners are hired.
- So, can we be Germans?
The answer to that one is rather difficult but I think we can. The real question according to me is – do we want to be Germans? I think, not. We can hardly follow all the rules and procedures which these people follow. We are simply different.