What to Use to Make Your Hair Grow
- Vitamins and minerals are crucial for your hair's preservation and regrowth. Vitamin A, E and all of the B vitamins are extremely important for hair growth. Vitamin A helps to regulate sebum production in the scalp, which will foster healthy hair growth. Vitamin E improves hair's health and repairs any damage on the scalp, and a deficiency in B vitamins has been linked to hair loss.
Minerals such as calcium, iodine, silica, zinc and iron are important for hair growth and health. Deficiencies in any of these vitamins can cause hair to become brittle and eventually fall out. - Circulation and blood flow encourage growth and support healthy hair. The scalp has no muscle underneath it, so blood flow and circulation need encouragement.
One technique to increase circulation and blood flow to the scalp is a daily massage. Use your fingertips (not your nails) to massage the scalp in circular motions for five minutes every day.
Another method to increase circulation and blood flow to the scalp is to lie back on a slant bench for two to three minutes a day. If you do not have a slant bench, hang your head over your bed or couch for two to three minutes. Both of these methods help to maintain a healthy scalp and support healthy hair growth. - Weekly natural hair treatments are an effective way to encourage hair growth and support scalp health. Create a hair rinse with 1 cup of apple cider vinegar diluted with 1 cup of water. While in the shower, pour apple cider vinegar over your head and massage it into the scalp for one to two minutes. Apple cider vinegar will remove any dead skin cells that clog the hair follicles and prevent healthy growth.
On another day, massage a raw egg into your scalp and distribute throughout your hair. Eggs contain nourishing protein and vitamins that the scalp and hair need to be healthy and lustrous. Rinse the egg out with cool water.
Vitamins and Minerals
Circulation and Blood Flow
Hair Treatments