How to Administer a Vaccination to Puppy
- 1). Shake the vaccine vial to make sure the contents are well-blended.
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A typical vial and syringe
Remove the protective cap of the syringe and insert it into the center of the rubber seal on the vaccine vial. - 3). Pull back on the syringe plunger a very small amount (about .5 ml) and then depress the plunger, pushing air into the vial and removing any excess air in the syringe.
- 4). Draw the plunger back slowly until it indicates that the desired amount of vaccine is in the syringe. Withdraw the syringe needle from the vial and turn the vial upright.
- 5). Check the top of the syringe for any air bubbles. If there are any, gently flick the syringe with your finger until the bubbles are gone.
- 6). Stroke and talk to the puppy to reassure it.
- 7). Lift a triangular fold of skin on the puppy's neck just in front of the shoulder blades.
- 8). Insert the needle into the center of the fold of skin and depress the plunger steadily, emptying it. Remove the needle slowly and gently.
- 9). Reward the puppy with a treat and lots of rubbing on the vaccination site.
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Replace the protective cover back over the needle and discard the syringe either in a contained for sharps or wrapped in a layer of paper towel.